Date Compr. Registers Window

Contains all of the date compressions that have been completed. With date compression, you combine several old entries in one new one. The window contains a line for each compression. The line contains many details about the date compression and the entries it comprises.

There are a number of batch jobs that create entries in the date compression registers, for example: Date Compress General Ledger, Date Compress Customer Ledger, Delete Check Ledger Entries, and Date Compress Insurance Ledger.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Date Compr. Register

Other Resources

Delete Empty FA Registers
Date Compress FA Ledger
Date Compress Maint. Ledger
Date Compress Insurance Ledger
Delete Empty G/L Registers
Date Compress Bank Acc. Ledger
Date Compress Resource Ledger
Date Compress Vendor Ledger
Delete Empty Insurance Reg.
Delete Empty Res. Registers
Date Compress General Ledger
Delete Check Ledger Entries
Date Compress Customer Ledger
Delete Empty Item Registers
Date Compr. G/L Budget Entries
Date Compress VAT Entries