Posting Date Field, Item Journal Line Table

Specifies the posting date for the entry. You can insert a date in several ways:

  • Type it in manually.

  • Type T to have the program insert the current date.

  • Type W to have the program insert the work date, if one has been defined.


If the journal template is a recurring journal and a recurring frequency has been defined, then the date will be updated by the interval specified (for example, one month forward from the preceding date in the field) every time you open the journal again for posting.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Document Line No. Field, Item Journal Line Table Inventory
Item Journal Line Table Inventory
Item Journal Line Table Inventory

See Also


Item Journal

Other Resources

How to: Enter Dates and Times