Job Journal Batch Table

Contains the batches you set up for your job journals. Batches let you group entries in a posting session and place a unique stamp on that session. This provides an additional measure of audit control.

Whereas, source codes and reason codes tell you the source of an entry and why the entry was made, batches tell you when the entry was made and in what group of entries it was made.

For each batch you can enter the following information:

  • Journal template name

  • Name of the batch

  • Description

  • Reason code

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Name Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs
Description Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs
Reason Code Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs
No. Series Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs
Journal Template Name Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs
Recurring Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs
Posting No. Series Field, Job Journal Batch Table Jobs

See Also


Job Journal