Routing Line Table

Defines the routing lines. Every routing line is assigned to a routing header.

All the tables are related, and information in the fields is copied from one place in the program to another, so you need to enter information only once. In addition, you can change information on each header or line if you need to.

The routing header contains all the relevant information about the item and the routing type, status and version.

Routing lines contain detailed information about the specific operations to be performed and the sequence of the operations. The sum of the values in the Setup Time, Run Time, Wait Time and Move Time fields plus the Queue Time field on the relevant Machine of Work Center card combine to give the production lead time of the item.

To create a new routing, fill in the routing header and then set up the lines. The program will automatically copy any relevant information from the header to the routing lines.

To learn more about working with routings, follow this link here.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Lot Size Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Send-Ahead Quantity Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Minimum Process Time Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Work Center Group Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Previous Operation No. Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Fixed Scrap Quantity Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Run Time Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Setup Time Unit of Meas. Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Work Center No. Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Wait Time Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Scrap Factor % Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Sequence No. (Backward) Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Standard Task Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Description Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
No. Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Setup Time Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Version Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Routing No. Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Recalculate Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Unit Cost per Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Comment Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Routing Link Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Scrap Factor % (Accumulated) Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Maximum Process Time Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Move Time Unit of Meas. Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Operation No. Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Wait Time Unit of Meas. Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Run Time Unit of Meas. Code Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Type Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Next Operation No. Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Sequence No. (Forward) Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Fixed Scrap Qty. (Accum.) Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Move Time Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing
Concurrent Capacities Field, Routing Line Table Manufacturing

See Also


Routing List