Action Message Entry Table

Specifies current action message information. The program uses this information when you run the Get Action Messages batch job.

Action messages occur when the program detects a problem or a potential problem in the balance of supply and demand.

There are five types of action messages:

Action message Description


Suggests that a new order be created.

Change Qty.

Suggests that the quantity of an existing order be changed.


Suggests that an existing order be rescheduled to an earlier or later date.

Resched. & Chg. Qty.

Suggests that an existing order be rescheduled to an earlier or later date, and the quantity of the order also be changed.


Suggests that an existing order be cancelled.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Variant Code Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Reservation Entry Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Source ID Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Source Type Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Suppressed Action Msg. Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Location Code Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Calculation Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Source Ref. No. Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Entry No. Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Type Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Source Subtype Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Quantity Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Bin Code Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Item No. Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
New Date Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Source Batch Name Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing
Source Prod. Order Line Field, Action Message Entry Table Manufacturing

See Also

Other Resources

Get Action Messages