Production BOM Header Table

Defines and organizes production BOMs.

A BOM is a listing of all the subassemblies, intermediates, parts and raw materials that go into a parent item. It shows the quantity of each required item to make an assembly. It is a list of all the materials needed to make one production run of a product.

These production BOMs differ from the item BOMs of the basic application in the contents and functions described below.

Manufacturers use production BOMs to monitor usage of items and components that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required to make an assembly. The products to be manufactured consist of individual items, subassemblies and other production BOMs (phantom BOMs). Subassemblies are used at the next level of the production BOMs to build other assemblies.

Production BOMs may consist of several levels. You can use up to 50 levels. One production BOM always corresponds to one level. The use of other production BOMs (phantom BOMs) of the items defines the depth of the levels.

Production BOMs manage the material requirement of production exclusively.

A production BOM can only be defined after the items the production BOM consists of have been set up.

You have the possibility to copy existing BOMs for creating a new BOM, by using the function Copy BOM on the Production BOM Card. After using the copy function you can make the necessary changes in the new BOM.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Comment Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Description 2 Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Search Name Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Description Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
No. Series Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Version Nos. Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Last Date Modified Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Status Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Creation Date Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Low-Level Code Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
Unit of Measure Code Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing
No. Field, Production BOM Header Table Manufacturing

See Also


Production BOM

Other Resources

Concepts of Production BOMs