Inventory Report Entry Table

Contains the entries that the program uses to calculate the totals in the Inventory - G/L Reconciliation window.

The table contains two types of entries:

  • Item: These entries are summaries of all the value entries of all the items that fall within the filters set by the user in the Inventory - G/L Reconciliation window.

  • G/L Account: These entries are summaries of all the general ledger entries for each account that is associated with inventory.

You can choose most fields to see the entries that were summarized to create that particular inventory report entry.

The program populates this table from the Value Entry table and the G/L Entry table with the entries that fall into the filters you have set in the Inventory - G/L Reconciliation window. The program does this only when you click Calculate in the window, and when you close the window, the entries are deleted from this table.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Material Variance Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Invt. Accrual (Interim) Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Direct Cost Applied WIP Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Similar Accounts Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Overhead Applied Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
G/L Total Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Difference Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Entry No. Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Posting Date Filter Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Inventory To WIP Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Subcontracted Variance Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Mfg. Overhead Variance Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
WIP To Interim Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Type Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Inventory Adjmt. Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
WIP Inventory Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Expected Cost Posting Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Posting Group Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Compression Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Purchase Variance Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Cost is Posted to G/L Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Overhead Applied Actual Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Capacity Overhead Variance Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Overhead Applied WIP Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Capacity Variance Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Closing Period Overlap Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Direct Cost Applied Actual Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Description Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Deleted G/L Accounts Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
COGS Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
COGS (Interim) Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Inventory (Interim) Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Location Filter Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Direct Postings Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
No. Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Inventory Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Total Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Direct Cost Applied Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Posting Date Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory
Warning Field, Inventory Report Entry Table Inventory

See Also


Inventory Report Entry
Inventory Report Header