Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table

Contains information about posted warehouse shipment lines. The program copies most of the fields directly from the Warehouse Shipment Line table to this table when you post a shipment.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Qty. per Unit of Measure Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Destination Type Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Quantity Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Posting Date Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Shipment Date Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Posted Source Document Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Whse Shipment Line No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Item No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Line No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Description 2 Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Due Date Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Destination No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Shelf No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Source Subtype Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Whse. Shipment No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Description Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Posted Source No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Variant Code Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Source No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Unit of Measure Code Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Source Line No. Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Zone Code Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Bin Code Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Source Type Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Source Document Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Location Code Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Shipping Advice Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems
Qty. (Base) Field, Posted Whse. Shipment Line Table Warehouse Management Systems

See Also


Posted Whse. Shipment
Posted Whse. Shipment List
Posted Whse. Shipment Lines