Post Dated Check Line Table

Specifies the post-dated check information. This information includes the account type, check date, check number, and check amount.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Template Name Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Bank Account Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Replacement Check Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Dimension Set ID Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Currency Factor Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Applies-to Doc. Type Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Date Received Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Check No. Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Account Type Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Applies-to ID Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Check Printed Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Description Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Applies-to Doc. No. Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Date Filter Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Interest Amount (LCY) Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Comment Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Batch Name Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Line Number Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Amount Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Amount (LCY) Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Document No. Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Bank Payment Type Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Interest Amount Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Check Date Field, Post Dated Check Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality

See Also


Post Dated Checks-Purchases
Post Dated Checks

Other Resources

How to: Create Check Installments