Posted Bill Group Table

When you have decided the documents for collection you want to include in the bill group, you can post it.

When you have posted the bill group, the documents included are available for settlement/rejection or, if relevant, recirculation.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Remaining Amount (LCY) Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Unrisked Factoring Exp. Amt. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Amount Grouped (LCY) Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
No. Printed Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Factoring Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Risked Factoring Exp. Amt. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Amount Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Category Filter Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Reason Code Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Comment Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Discount Expenses Amt. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
No. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Bank Account Name Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Due Date Filter Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Rejection Expenses Amt. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Amount (LCY) Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Status Filter Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Bank Account No. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Collection Expenses Amt. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Dealing Type Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Remaining Amount Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Posting Date Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Amount Grouped Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Discount Interests Amt. Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Posting Description Field, Posted Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality