Payment History Table

This table contains general information concerning telebanking payments that are ready to be exported as one. As such is the Payment History table the header for payment history lines.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Sent On Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Name Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Post Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Our Bank Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Creation Date Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Run No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. of Transactions Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Date Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Status Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Order Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent By Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Day Serial Nr. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
File on Disk Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Address Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
User ID Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Print Docket Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. Series Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Remaining Amount Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Protocol Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Number of Copies Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder City Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent On Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Name Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Post Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Our Bank Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Creation Date Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Run No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. of Transactions Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Date Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Status Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Order Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent By Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Day Serial Nr. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
File on Disk Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Address Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
User ID Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Print Docket Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. Series Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Remaining Amount Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Protocol Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Number of Copies Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder City Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent On Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Name Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Post Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Our Bank Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Creation Date Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Run No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. of Transactions Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Date Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Status Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Order Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent By Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Day Serial Nr. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
File on Disk Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Address Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
User ID Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Print Docket Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. Series Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Remaining Amount Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Protocol Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Number of Copies Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder City Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent On Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Name Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Post Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Our Bank Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Creation Date Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Run No. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. of Transactions Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Date Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Status Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Order Filter Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Sent By Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Day Serial Nr. Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
File on Disk Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder Address Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
User ID Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Print Docket Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
No. Series Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Remaining Amount Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Protocol Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Number of Copies Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Account Holder City Field, Payment History Table Netherlands Local Functionality