Export Protocol Table

The Export Protocol table is used to setup protocols for exporting payment and collection data that need to be forwarded to the bank.

Each protocol defines:

  • The codeunit that checks the data,

  • The docket report used to inform the contact on combined payments,

  • The batch job that eventually will export the data and

  • The file location the data will be exported to.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Check ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Code Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Default File Names Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Description Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
External Program Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Parameter Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Code Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Default File Names Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Description Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
External Program Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Parameter Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Code Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Default File Names Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Description Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
External Program Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Parameter Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Code Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Default File Names Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Check Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Export ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Description Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket ID Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
External Program Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Parameter Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Docket Name Field, Export Protocol Table Netherlands Local Functionality