G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table

Specifies the similarities between accounts in the old chart of accounts and the new chart of accounts.

The general ledger accounts equivalence tool was created to help implement the government’s new chart of accounts. Based on the account similarities found using this tool, the new account numbers will be inserted into the general ledger entries.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Ready Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Indentation Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Last Run Date Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
New Name Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Account Type Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Implement Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
No. Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Matching Type Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Preferred Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Name Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
Done Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality
New No. Field, G/L Accounts Equivalence Tool Table Spain Local Functionality

See Also


G/L Acc. Equiv. Tool Setup