GETFILTERS Function (Record)

Gets a string that contains a list of the filters within the current filter group for all fields in a record. In addition, this function also returns the state of the MARKEDONLY Function (Record).


String := Record.GETFILTERS  


Type: Record

The record from which you want a list of filters.

Property Value/Return Value

Type: Text or code

This string contains a list of the filters for all fields in Record.

Example 1

This example requires that you create the following variables and text constant in the C/AL Globals window.

Variable name DataType Subtype
Str Text Not applicable
CustLedgerEntry Record Cust. Ledger Entry
Text constant ENU value
Text000 The filters are:\
CustLedgerEntry.SETRANGE(Amount, -100, 100);  
CustLedgerEntry.SETRANGE("Posting Date", 010108D, 123108D);  
Str := CustLedgerEntry.GETFILTERS;  
MESSAGE(Text000 + '%1', Str);  

On a computer with the regional format set to English (United States), the message window displays the following:

The filters are:

Posting Date: 01/01/08..12/31/08, Amount: -100..100

Example 2

This example requires that you create the following variable in the C/AL Globals window.

Variable name DataType Subtype
Item Record Item
Item.FILTERGROUP(2); // Filter group 2 is applied.  
Item.SETFILTER("No.", '1000..1450'); // A filter is set in filter group 2.  
MESSAGE('Filtergroup 2 filters: ' + Item.GETFILTERS);   
// GETFILTERS prints the filter that is set in filter group 2  
Item.FILTERGROUP(0); // Change the current filter group.   
// Now filter group 0 is applied.  
MESSAGE('Filtergroup 0 filter: ' + Item.GETFILTERS);   
// GETFILTERS returns an empty string because there is no filter set   
// in the current filter group (0).  
Item.SETFILTER("No.", '70000..79999'); // Set another filter, now in filter group 0.  
MESSAGE('Now Filtergroup 0 filters: ' + Item.GETFILTERS);   
// GETFILTERS prints the new filter set in the filter group 0.  

The message windows display the following:

Filtergroup 2 filters: No.: 1000..1450

Filtergroup 0 filters:

Now Filtergroup 0 filters: No.: 70000..79999

See Also

GETFILTER Function (Record)
SETFILTER Function (Record)
SETRANGE Function (Record)
FILTERGROUP Function (Record)
Record Data Type