Table Properties in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The following topic lists properties that apply to the table object.
Table Object Properties
The following properties apply to a Table object.
BLOB Properties
The following properties apply to the BLOB field of a table object.
BigInteger Properties
The following properties apply to the BigInteger field of a table object.
Boolean Properties
The following properties apply to the Boolean field of a table object.
Code Properties
The following properties apply to the Code field of a table object.
Date Properties
The following properties apply to the Date field of a table object.
DateFormula Properties
The following properties apply to the DateFormula field of a table object.
DateTime Properties
The following properties apply to the DataTime field of a table object.
Decimal Properties
The following properties apply to the Decimal field of a table object.
Duration Properties
The following properties apply to the Duration field of a table object.
GUID Properties
The following properties apply to the GUID field of a table object.
Integer Properties
The following properties apply to the Integer field of a table object.
Media Properties
The following properties apply to the Media field of a table object.
MediaSet Properties
The following properties apply to the MediaSet field of a table object.
OemCode Properties
The following properties apply to the OemCode field of a table object.
OemText Properties
The following properties apply to the OemText field of a table object.
Option Properties
The following properties apply to the Option field of a table object.
RecordID Properties
The following properties apply to the RecordID field of a table object.
TableFilter Properties
The following properties apply to the TableFilter field of a table object.
Text Properties
The following properties apply to the Text field of a table object.
Time Properties
The following properties apply to the Time field of a table object.