Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.Controls.Browser Namespace


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015, Dynamics CRM 2016


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass SetParentBrowser


Structure Description
System_CAPS_pubstructure OLECMD

Represents a structure that associates command flags from the OLECMDF enumeration with a command identifier through a call to M:Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.Controls.Browser.IOleCommandTarget.QueryStatus(System.Guid@,System.Int32,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr).

System_CAPS_pubstructure OLECMDTEXT

Specifies a text name or status string for a single command identifier.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IOleCommandTarget

Represents an interface that enables objects and their containers to dispatch commands to each other.

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