

Specifies parameters for the surface received by the upstream filter beyond those declared by the media type.


HRESULT SetBufferParams(
     AM_ROTATION_ANGLE SurfaceAngle
     int XPitch
     int YPitch
     AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt


  • SurfaceAngle
    [in] Specifies the rotation angle that the buffer had when it was allocated.
  • XPitch
    [in] Specifies the horizontal pitch.
  • YPitch
    [in] Specifies the vertical pitch.
  • *pmt
    [in] Specifies the buffer's media type.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface.

In the current DirectShow implementation, this method returns NOERROR if successful, or E_INVALIDARG or E_FAIL upon failure.