What's New in Customizing a Windows Mobile Device


Communication and Networking Customization

Automatically Configuring GPRS Settings

Windows Mobile can be set to configure GPRS settings automatically, which provides users with basic Web data access from the first time they start the device by using the Automatic Data Configuration (ADC) application. When automatic GPRS configuration is enabled, the ADC application matches the GSM code of the inserted SIM card to a group of provisioning settings and then provisions the device with the following settings:

  • Valid APNs (Access Point Names)
  • User names and passwords, if required
  • IP and DNS addresses, if required
  • Information about the proxy server

The settings are provisioned when the device is started, when a different SIM card is detected, and when a user chooses to repair the connection.

Automatic GPRS data configuration can be added to an image by including the IMGDATACONFIG flag

The ADC functionality is configured in a standalone package that is not included in Windows Mobile Standard and Windows Mobile Professional images by default.

Viewing the Network Configuration Settings if CM_Networks is Configured as Read Only

You can now view the network configuration settings even if the CM_Networks Configuration Service Provider is configured as read-only. You can do this by setting the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Network\ViewCMNetworks.

Application Customization

Configuring Complex Script Language Support

You can now configure Complex Script support for Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, and Farsi languages. Programs that use standard GDI APIs and .Net CF can now display and edit Arabic text from 16 Arabic National Language Support (NLS) locales.**

Disabling Auto Configuration for E-Mail Accounts

You can now configure the default state (checked or unchecked) of the Try to get e-mail settings automatically from the Internet checkbox by using a registry key.**

Configuring the Default Connection GUID

You can configure the default network connection type in the E-Mail Account Setup Wizard by setting the appropriate GUID in a registry key. **

Configuring the Behavior of Pop-up Message Boxes for SI Messages

You can now configure the behavior of the pop-up message boxes that appear for the low, medium, and high priority SI messages by using a registry key.**


You can now control whether the transfer from non-numeric characters to numbers is enabled for the Simple-PIN edit control by setting a registry key.**

The following scenario describes how this feature would appear to the end user.

Marco locks his Windows® phone and puts it in the glove compartment so he can go for a run in the park. After a few miles he returns and turns on his phone. On the screen is a circle with a number 5. Marco taps the circle and sees a collection of slider controls, which he can scroll up or down and cycle through. He reviews the sliders indicating new notifications of incoming messages, missed calls, voice mail, e-mail, and a service that tells him the scores Barça, his favorite soccer team. He sees that he has 2 new e-mails, a missed call, a voice message, and a text message. Marco pulls the text-message slider. He sees the 4 digit pin screen, enters the pin, and goes straight to his messaging application. He sends an SMS to Anna: “Have tickets to soccer match in Barcelona. Quieres ir?”

Third-party applications and OEM drivers can now post the VK_KEYUNLOCK message to unlock the keypad in Windows Mobile Standard and Windows Mobile Professional.


Disabling Automatic SSL Probing

You can disable automatic SSL probing by configuring the DisableAutoSSL value in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Inbox registry key.


Removing Separator Lines on the Windows Classic Home Screen

You can now remove the separator lines between the plug-ins on the Windows Classic Home screen by using the following registry setting:


Configuring Alarms to Sound When Device Volume is turned off

You can now configure the alarms to always play a sound even if the system volume is set to zero or vibrate, is turned off, or the alarm notification sounds are muted. You can do this using a registry key.

The user can choose between the options Alarm sound when the device volume is off or set to vibrate and Alarm only sound when the device volume is on on the Clock & Alarms page.

Consistent Clock/Battery Icon Display

You can now set the clock or the battery icon to be displayed at all times for all the screens in devices that run Windows Mobile Professional. You configure this feature by using the following registry setting:


Setting the Amount of Space Between Icons

You can now configure the amount of horizontal and vertical space between icons and the font size of the icon title in Settings and Program List by setting the following registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\ProgramList.




Showing the Roaming Slot consistently in all UI Screens

You can configure the icon in the roaming slot to be consistently shown in all UI screens by configuring the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Taskbar\ConsistentRoamingIconSlot registry setting.

Configuring the Call Recording UI

You can show UI elements used for recording voice calls in the Call Progress menu by setting the following registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Voice.



Enabling Multi-Level Menu Support for the Getting Started Application

Multi-level menus give you more flexibility in how to organize tutorial topics included in the Getting Started application. Each menu item can have multiple sub-menus. Sub-menu items are declared the same way as regular entries except the registry values are in a subkey of the parent menu.

Resover Strings

Customizing the String for DRM Error Message

You can now customize the error message that is displayed when a user tries to forward an OMA DRM protected file in devices using Windows Mobile Professional or Windows Mobile Classic. You can do this using the following registry key:


Customizing the Strings in Storage Card Settings

You can now customize the strings that are displayed in devices using Windows Mobile Professional or Windows Mobile Classic when users access the storage card through Start > Messaging > Menu > Options. You can do this using the following registry key:


Overriding Strings in Phone Canvas Menus

You can override the Unmute string of the Call Progress menu by using the following registry setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\ResOver\138.

Customizing the User Interface

Enabling Vibration Feedback in Touch Input Panel

On devices that run Windows Mobile Professional or Windows Mobile Classic, you can now enable Touch Vibration in the touch input panel. Touch Vibration is a feature that causes the device to vibrate slightly when the user touches the screen. This alerts the user to the fact that he or she has touched the screen. You can also customize the length of time the device will vibrate when the user chooses Short, Medium, or Long.

You enable and customize Touch Vibration by setting values in the HKEY_Current_User\ControlPanel\TouchVibration registry key:

New Key for Device Unlock

Third party applications or OEM drivers can now post the VK_KEYUNLOCK message to unlock the keypad in both Windows Mobile Standard and Windows Mobile Professional.

Send and End on the Soft Key Bar

Soft key bars can now include Send and End keys if the display resolution is WVGA or better. The Send key will be placed on the left of the bar and the End key on the right whenever a soft key bar is displayed. This provides Send and End functionality to devices that do not have Send and End hardware keys. **

The decision to enable or disable is made at boot time and holds until the next boot. By default, the Send and End soft key feature is disabled. You can enable it by configuring the following registry value: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\SendEnd\SoftkeyEnabled.

Reply All on the Left Soft Key in E-mail Read View

In e-mail read view, the left soft key can be made to provide access to the Reply All function, rather than the Reply function. **

See Also


What's New in Windows Mobile 6.5

Other Resources