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Packaging a Batch of Windows Media Files and Specifying the Rights

In this scenario, you can package multiple Windows Media files from a directory, and narrow the number of Windows Media files to be packaged according to additional criteria, such as last date modified. You can also specify the rights. The rights string is then added to the content header, and licenses are generated for the packaged files.

Note   In this sample, you cannot package files that have already been packaged.

The following .asp files are included in the Packaging a Batch of Windows Media Files and Specifying the Rights sample:

  • BatchPackage_Complex.asp. This page packages files in a directory based on criteria that you specify.
  • BatchPackage_Rights.asp. This page specifies rights to allow, and creates the rights string.
  • BatchPackage_LicGen.asp. This page generates information for the license to be issued, and inserts the attributes into the content headers of the files to be packaged.
  • BatchPackage_NS.asp. This page provides a registration page for nonsilent delivery.
  • BatchPackage_Confirm.asp. This page confirms license delivery.

To test this sample

  1. Open BatchPackage_Complex.asp and fill out the form.

    Note   Make sure the output folder allows Change permission to Everyone. Otherwise, an "Access is denied" message appears when you try to package files.

  2. Click Protect Files.

  3. Play the packaged Windows Media files. If you use Windows Media Player 7 or later, you can change the preferred license delivery method (silent or nonsilent) by selecting Options on the Tools menu, clicking the Privacy tab, and then selecting or clearing the Acquire licenses automatically for protected content option.

See Also