Windows Media Rights Manager SDK banner art

Deprecated Rights

Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK includes several new rights to provide improved functionality, and as a result, several existing rights have been deprecated. Although most of these rights will continue to be supported, it is recommended that you do not use them:

  • AllowBurnToCD. This right allows the consumer to copy a Windows Media file to a CD in the Red Book audio format. This right has been replaced with AllowPlaylistBurn.
  • AllowPlayOnPC. This right allows the consumer to play the Windows Media file on a computer. This right has been replaced with AllowPlay.
  • BurnToCDCount. This right specifies the number of times that content can be copied to a CD. This right has been replaced with MaxPlaylistBurnCount and PlaylistBurnTrackCount.
  • MinimumAppSecurity. This right specifies the minimum security level that is required of a player application. This right has been replaced with MinimumSecurityLevel.
  • PMAppSecurity. This right specifies the minimum security level that is required of a device. This right has been replaced by MinimumSecurityLevel.
  • PMExpirationDate. This right specifies an expiration for a license for a device. Now, expiration rights apply to all licenses and you do not need to configure licenses specifically for use on devices.
  • PMRights. This right specifies rights for a license for a device. Now, rights apply to all licenses and you do not need to configure licenses specifically for use on devices.

See Also