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WMRMKeys Object

You can use the WMRMKeys object to create a key ID, a license key seed, a content ID, and the public and private keys used to sign a content header. To encode and decode these items, use the IWMRMCoding interface. Windows Media Rights Manager uses the key ID and the license key seed to generate a content encryption key.

The WMRMKeys object exposes the following properties and methods.

Property Description
KeyID Specifies and retrieves the key ID.
Seed Specifies and retrieves the license key seed.
Method Description
GenerateKey Creates the key used to encrypt content.
GenerateKeyEx Creates a content key of a specific length, which is used to encrypt content.
GenerateKeyID Creates a globally unique key ID.
GenerateSeed Creates a random license key seed.
GenerateSigningKeys Creates a private and public key for signing and verifying the header.
GenerateSigningKeysEx Creates a private and public key for signing and verifying the header, including the license acquisition URL.
GetCertificate Returns certificates used to sign the header.

See Also