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Revoking Applications By Using Revocation Lists

To ensure that players known to be damaged or corrupted cannot access packaged files, Windows Media Rights Manager SDK posts a revocation list that you must install on each licensing server. This revocation list contains all the application certificates of those players known to be damaged or corrupted. To install the latest revocation list on a licensing server, go to the Microsoft Web site from that computer, and then click Download the latest License Service Information. It is recommended that you automate this process. For more information about how often this process is required to occur, see your license agreement with Microsoft.

This revocation list is then included in all licenses you issue, and then the list is stored on the consumer's computer in a secure storage area. When a player receives a new license, the DRM component of the player compares the revocation list in the license to the local list. If a newer one is found, the new revocation list is stored on the computer.

Whenever a consumer plays a packaged Windows Media file , the player is checked against the revocation list. If the application certificate of that player is revoked, the player cannot play that packaged file or any other packaged files.

Note Your privacy statement should mention that revocation lists are stored on consumers' computers in addition to licenses. See your license agreement with Microsoft for more information.

See Also