How to Qualify a Cluster Configuration

Posted July 16, 2003

Chat Date: April 7, 2003 (PM Session)

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity

Chat Participants:

  • Shawn Becker, WHQL Server and WHQL Cluster Test Support
  • Jason Whittecar, Developer in the Storage Services team, Windows group
  • Daryn, Support Manager for WHQL support teams
  • Zubair, Program Manager, windows clustering
  • Eric Sassaman, Program manager, Product Support Services

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Moderator: Eric (Microsoft)
Welcome to today's Chat. Our topic is WHQL - How to Qualify a Cluster Configuration. Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. Let's introduce our hosts for today!

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Hi - My name is Daryn, I am a Support Lead Manger for WHQL.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Jason Whittecar - Test Lead - Server and Cluster Support

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Shawn Becker - WHQL Server and WHQL Cluster Test Support

Host: Zubair (Microsoft)
zubair-msft: Windows clustering Program Manager

Moderator: Eric (Microsoft)
Welcome everyone, let's get started!

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: using the server block, storage block model, will vendor A be able to certify a storage block that can be paired with a server block certified by vendor B, as long as the HBA & driver match?

A: Yes.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Is cluster device being replaced by storage block in W2K? Or will they coexist?

A: Cluster Device qualification has been eliminated as a program. Multi-cluster Device, Storage Block and Cluster Solution are still available.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: Is it necessary to certify a cluster solution before storage blocks and/or server blocks can be certified?

A: No, but all components in each block must first be base qualified.

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Here is a url to where you can download information on the test procedures for Cluster Qualification Process

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: So an HBA for a cluster solution needs only a base qualification? No cluster device?

A: That is correct.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: If a cluster solution is certified without multi-path software, then later the multi-path software is signed (with a base RAID Device), must the cluster solution be re-certified with the multi-path software?

A: Correct.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: So when would one ever need an hba cluster device submission/qualification?

A: You don't. We have done away with the Cluster Device category.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Will you be doing away with the "check box" on the online submission page?

A: That is our intention. If this is still showing up, please send mail to and

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Q: If one multi-path software product supports multiple storage devices, does it need separate signatures for each storage device?

A: The signature will work on each of the storage devices, but for PSS support the configuration would have to be tested and listed.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: It's my understanding that the multi-cluster device cert requires the HBA signature, but the storage/raid device cert doesn't. Is that correct?

A: Both the HBA and the storage/RAID device require a base qualification.

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Q: PSS ??

A: Microsoft Product Support Services

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: The W2K cluster server block says we have to run HCT Phase 3 and 4. When did this take effect?

A: Phase 3 and 4 are still optional. That is a mistake in the document.

Host: Lyndon (Microsoft)
Q: if the inquiry string on the storage RAID controller's firmware is changed, shall we need to re-run the HCT for storage and MSCS?

A: If by inquiry string I assume you mean the PnP ID which is part of the PCI configuration space. If so inquiry string is a firmware change.. Which would require a new submission for base and subsequent submissions.

Host: Zubair (Microsoft)
Q: What is the plan to include W2K into EQP?

A: Plan is to include W2K to EQP also. I see this happening ~ 6months

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: For block mode logo submission, can I mix two different models of servers (e.g. A and B) with the same external SCSI storage system and apply for two logos for AA cluster and BB cluster?

A: From the WHQL Test Spec: A server block can contain multiple server types of the same vendor, but the HBA, firmware, driver, and any accompanying filter driver, must be the same on all the nodes of the cluster.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: Here the HBA means FC HBA, or for any SCSI and FC adapters?

A: Host Bus Adaptor. Either SCSI or FC.

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Q: Are JBODs required to obtain cluster device logo now?

A:No,we no longer have cluster device logo's

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Can a storage block be used for W2K AS, W2K DC, W2K3 EE, and W2K3 DE?

A: Only one OS (Win2k OR WS2003) may be submitted at a time. The matching is done in a “top-down” approach. Datacenter submissions may be matched with Adv/Ent.

Host: Lyndon (Microsoft)
Q: How many servers are needed to certify a 8-node multi-cluster storage device?

A: Multi-cluster qualification provides WHQL qualification for storage solutions to be qualified for use in a SAN. It has nothing to do with multiple node qualification. 8 node cluster block logs would be required. The storage would have been previously qualified for multi-cluster device.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: Are JBODs required to be included in a storage block?

A: JBODs can only be used in a Cluster Solution submission. This is not an option for a Cluster Storage Block submission.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: I heard we could use WS2003 as the eight test clients for running the WS2003 EE MSCS HCT. Can I use these eight clients for running the W2K AS MSCS HCT?

A: Yes.

Host: Shawn (Microsoft)
Q: Does a Cluster Solution submission result in one storage block and one server block?

A: No.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: In reference to “cluster storage blocks”, page 20 says “Switch information may change without resubmission if the storage block is not qualified for sue in a SAN (multi-cluster qualified).

A: Please send this question mail to and

Host: Lyndon (Microsoft)
Q: If the inquiry string on the RAID/Storage will affect the display of hard drives listed on Windows Device Manager/Disk Drives, when it is changed, should we need to re-test the RAID/Storage device and re-submit the test log and re-do the MSCS HCT?

A: Inquiry string on Raid storage should not matter to WHQL unless a product name change is also needed. If a new product name is used for the storage we require a new qualification.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: For block mode logo submission, can I mix two different models of storage (e.g. A and B) in one cluster cert and get two logos (cluster with storage A, cluster with storage B)?

A: You can test using multiple storage devices and submit the same logs for the 2 cluster submissions: cluster 1 w/ stor A; cluster 2 w/ stor B. Please note this in the readme for each submission to avoid unnecessary failures.

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: Does a Cluster Solution submission result in one storage block and one server block?

A: No. A Cluster Solution results in a Cluster Solution. But a matching storage block and server block will result in a Cluster Solution.

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Q: I thought we would have to match an 8-node cluster block to an 8-node storage block. So, there is only one 1-size-fits-all storage block?

A: Correct, 8 node server block matches to 8 node storage block, if either block is less then that is the higest it will be supported

Host: Zubair (Microsoft)
Q: How do I certify a 2-node storage block? 8-node storage block?

A:You setup the test environment with the number of nodes that you want the block for. For example, you want 2-node then the test infrastructure will have 2-node cluster

Host: Jason (Microsoft)
Q: For block mode logo submission, can I mix two different models of storage (e.g. A and B) in one cluster cert and get two logos (cluster with storage A, cluster with storage B)?

A: Apologies. This is for Server Blocks and Cluster Solution only. Storage Blocks are still being worked on. Please send mail to for clarification.

Host: Daryn (Microsoft)
Q: If a server has passed the WS2003 MSCS HCT, can we declare it also supports W2K AS MSCS?

A:No - each OS needs to be tested

Moderator: Eric (Microsoft)
Thanks for joining us today and thanks for the questions. It's time for us to go now. If we couldn't get to your question, please post it in news://

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