SqlCeDatabase Members
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The SqlCeDatabase type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
SqlCeDatabase |
Initializes a new instance of the SqlCeDatabase class with a connection string.
Name | Description | |
AddInParameter | Overloaded. | |
AddOutParameter |
Adds a new Out DbParameter object to the given command.
(Inherited from Database.) |
AddParameter | Overloaded. | |
AddParameters |
Adds any parameters to the command
BuildParameterName |
Builds a value parameter name for the current database.
(Overrides DatabaseBuildParameterName(String).) |
CloseSharedConnection |
This will close the "keep alive" connection that is kept open once you first access the database through this class. Calling this method will close the "keep alive" connection for all instances. The next database access will open a new "keep alive" connection.
ConfigureParameter |
Configures a given DbParameter.
(Inherited from Database.) |
CreateConnection | Creates a connection for this database. |
CreateFile |
Creates a new, empty database file using the file name provided in the Data Source attribute of the connection string.
CreateParameter | Overloaded. | |
DeriveParameters |
Don't need an implementation for SQL Server CE.
(Overrides DatabaseDeriveParameters(DbCommand).) |
DiscoverParameters |
Discovers the parameters for a DbCommand.
(Inherited from Database.) |
DoExecuteNonQuery |
Executes the query for command.
(Inherited from Database.) |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExecuteDataSet | Overloaded. | |
ExecuteDataSetSql |
Executes a SQL SELECT statement and returns a dataset.
ExecuteNonQuery | Overloaded. | |
ExecuteNonQuerySql | Overloaded. | |
ExecuteReader | Overloaded. | |
ExecuteReaderSql |
Execute a command and return a DbDataReader that contains the rows returned.
ExecuteResultSet | Overloaded. | |
ExecuteScalar | Overloaded. | |
ExecuteScalarSql |
Executes the command and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Extra columns or rows are ignored.
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetDataAdapter | Overloaded. | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetInstrumentationEventProvider |
Returns the object to which the instrumentation events have been delegated.
(Inherited from Database.) |
GetOpenConnection | Overloaded. | |
GetParameterValue |
Gets a parameter value.
(Inherited from Database.) |
GetSqlStringCommand | Creates a DbCommand for a SQL query. |
GetStoredProcCommand | Overloaded. | |
GetStoredProcCommandWithSourceColumns |
Wraps around a derived class's implementation of the GetStoredProcCommandWrapper method and adds functionality for using this method with UpdateDataSet. The GetStoredProcCommandWrapper method (above) that takes a params array expects the array to be filled with VALUES for the parameters. This method differs from the GetStoredProcCommandWrapper method in that it allows a user to pass in a string array. It will also dynamically discover the parameters for the stored procedure and set the parameter's SourceColumns to the strings that are passed in. It does this by mapping the parameters to the strings IN ORDER. Thus, order is very important.
(Inherited from Database.) |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
LoadDataSet | Overloaded. | |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
OpenConnection | Obsolete.
Opens a connection. |
SameNumberOfParametersAndValues |
Determines if the number of parameters in the command matches the array of parameter values.
(Inherited from Database.) |
SetParameterValue |
Sets a parameter value.
(Inherited from Database.) |
SetUpRowUpdatedEvent |
Sets the RowUpdated event for the data adapter.
(Overrides DatabaseSetUpRowUpdatedEvent(DbDataAdapter).) |
TableExists |
Checks to see if a table exists in the open database.
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) | |
UpdateDataSet | Overloaded. | |
UserParametersStartIndex |
Returns the starting index for parameters in a command.
(Inherited from Database.) |
Name | Description | |
instrumentationProvider |
The DataInstrumentationProvider instance that defines the logical events used to instrument this Database instance.
(Inherited from Database.) |
Name | Description | |
ConnectionString | Gets the string used to open a database. |
ConnectionStringNoCredentials | Gets the connection string without the username and password. |
ConnectionStringWithoutCredentials |
Gets the connection string without credentials.
(Inherited from Database.) |
DbProviderFactory | Gets the DbProviderFactory used by the database instance. |
ParameterToken | Gets the parameter token used to delimit parameters for the SQL Server database. |