IErrorHandler.Error(Int32,String) method

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1


The Error method adds the specified nonfatal error message and source file line number to the list of compilation errors.

public void Error(
Int32 lineNumber,
  String message

  [Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub Error( _
  ByVal lineNumber As Int32, _
  ByVal message As String _
Implements IErrorHandler.Error


  • lineNumber
    Specifies the line number in the source file at which the error occurred.
  • message
    Contains the text message indicating the nature of the error.

Return Values

This method has no return values.


Redistributable: Requires Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1.
Namespace: Microsoft.Rtc.Sip
Assembly: ServerAgent (in ServerAgent.dll)

See Also


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