Working with Asynchronous Events
Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12
The following information is important when working with asynchronous events:
- Moving a folder does not cause an event to fire on any items in the folder.
- Copying a folder causes an event to fire on all items in the folder.
- Deleting a folder does not cause an event to fire on items (messages and documents) in the folder. However, it causes an event to fire on each of the subfolders.
- An asynchronous event does not have any firing priority.
- Asynchronous events are not processed in any specified or guaranteed order. The event source does not wait for asynchronous events to finish.
- When the OnDelete Method event is called, the item has already been deleted.
- There is no guarantee as to how soon asynchronous event notifications are called after the event occurs.
- An asynchronous event is not processed if a synchronous event aborts the asynchronous event.
E-mail messages processed in event sinks must be compliant with RFC 822. They also must end with a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).