ErrGetHeader Function (Reserved) (CHKSGFILES)

The ErrGetHeader() function is reserved for future use, and not implemented. Do not call this function.


Storage Groups are not available in Exchange Server 2010. For backwards compatibility with pre-Exchange 2010 databases and storage groups, the CHKSGFILES API includes the capability to specify storage groups. When running CHKSGFILES against Exchange 2010 databases, parameters that specify a storage group identifier should be set to an empty string.

Vitual ERRErrGetHeader 
    __in_z const WCHAR * const wszFile,
        VOID * const pvResult,
    Const ULONGcbMax,
    Const ULONGulFlags = NO_FLAGS


  • wszFile
    Reserved for future use; do not use.

  • pvResult
    Reserved for future use; do not use.

  • cbMax
    Reserved for future use; do not use.

  • ulFlags
    Reserved for future use; do not use.

Return Value

The ErrGetHeader() function is reserved for future use, and not implemented. Do not call this function.


The ErrGetHeader() function is reserved for future use, and not implemented. Do not call this function.


The ErrGetHeader() function is reserved for future use, and not implemented. Do not call this function.

Exchange Server 2010 only includes a 64-bit version of CHKSGFILES.