TestOutlookWebServicesTask Members

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Include Inherited Members

The TestOutlookWebServicesTask type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TestOutlookWebServicesTask



  Name Description
Public property ClientAccessServer
Public property CommandOrigin (Inherited from InternalCommand.)
Public property CommandRuntime (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected property ConfirmationMessage (Inherited from Task.)
Protected property CurrentOrganizationId (Inherited from Task.)
Public property CurrentPSTransaction (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Public property DomainController
Public property Events (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Protected property Fields (Inherited from Task.)
Protected property HasErrors (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Host (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public property Identity
Public property InvokeCommand (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public property InvokeProvider (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Protected property IsProvisioningLayerAvailable (Inherited from Task.)
Public property JobRepository (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public property MonitoringContext
Public property MyInvocation (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public property ParameterSetName (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Protected property ProcessId (Inherited from Task.)
Protected property ProvisioningHandlers (Inherited from Task.)
Public property SessionState (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public property Stopping (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Public property TargetAddress
Protected property UserSpecifiedParameters (Inherited from Task.)



  Name Description
Protected method BeginProcessing (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method CanBypassRBACScope (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method CheckOverBudget (Inherited from Task.)
Public method CurrentProviderLocation (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Protected method DisableThrottling (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Dispose() (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method EndBudgetProcess (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method EndProcessing (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method FormatMultiValuedProperty (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method GetCmdletErrorEventTuple (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method GetCmdletSuccessEventTuple (Inherited from Task.)
Public method GetErrorExecutionContext (Inherited from Task.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public method GetResourceString (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public method GetVariableValue(String) (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Public method GetVariableValue(String, Object) (Inherited from PSCmdlet.)
Protected method InternalBeginProcessing (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method InternalEndProcessing (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method InternalProcessRecord (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method InternalProvisioningValidation (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method InternalStateReset (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method InternalStopProcessing (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method InternalValidate (Inherited from Task.)
Public method Invoke (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method IsKnownException (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method LogEvent (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method LogPeriodicEvent (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method PostInternalValidate (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ProcessRecord (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ResetErrors (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ShouldContinue(LocalizedString) (Inherited from Task.)
Public method ShouldContinue(String, String) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Public method ShouldContinue(String, String, Boolean, Boolean) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method ShouldProcess(LocalizedString) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ShouldProcess(String, String, String) (Inherited from Task.)
Public method ShouldProcess(String, String) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Public method ShouldProcess(String, String, String, ShouldProcessReason) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method ShouldProcess(String) Obsolete. (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method StartBudgetProcess (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method StopProcessing (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ThrowNonLocalizedTerminatingError (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ThrowTerminatingError(Exception, ErrorCategory, Object) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ThrowTerminatingError(LocalizedException, ExchangeErrorCategory, Object) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method ThrowTerminatingError(ErrorRecord) Obsolete. (Inherited from Task.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method TransactionAvailable (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method TranslateException (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method TryGetVariableValue<T> (Inherited from Task.)
Public method WriteCommandDetail (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method WriteDebug(LocalizedString) (Inherited from Task.)
Public method WriteDebug(String) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method WriteError(LocalizedException, ExchangeErrorCategory, Object, Boolean) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method WriteError(Exception, ErrorCategory, Object, Boolean, String) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method WriteError(ErrorRecord) Obsolete. (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method WriteNonLocalizedError (Inherited from Task.)
Public method WriteObject(Object) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Public method WriteObject(Object, Boolean) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method WriteProgress(LocalizedString, LocalizedString, Int32) (Inherited from Task.)
Public method WriteProgress(ProgressRecord) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)
Protected method WriteVerbose Obsolete. (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method WriteWarning(LocalizedString) (Inherited from Task.)
Protected method WriteWarning(LocalizedString, String) (Inherited from Task.)
Public method WriteWarning(String) (Inherited from Cmdlet.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member EventSource
