ExchangeCertificate Members

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Include Inherited Members

Provides a security certificate for Exchange 2010 servers.

The ExchangeCertificate type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ExchangeCertificate



  Name Description
Public property AccessRules
Public property Archived (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property CertificateDomains
Public property CertificateRequest
Public property Extensions (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property FriendlyName (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property Handle (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public property HasPrivateKey (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property IisServices Gets a collection of IIS services associated with this certificate.
Public property IsSelfSigned
Public property Issuer (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public property IssuerName (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property KeyIdentifier
Public property NotAfter (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property NotBefore (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property PrivateKey (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property PrivateKeyExportable
Public property PublicKey (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property PublicKeySize
Public property RawData (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property RootCAType
Public property SerialNumber (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property Services
Public property ServicesStringForm
Public property SignatureAlgorithm (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property Status
Public property Subject (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public property SubjectKeyIdentifier
Public property SubjectName (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property Thumbprint (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public property Version (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)



  Name Description
Public method Equals(X509Certificate) (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method Equals(Object) (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method Export(X509ContentType, SecureString) (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method Export(X509ContentType) (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method Export(X509ContentType, String) (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetCertHash (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetCertHashString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetEffectiveDateString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetExpirationDateString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetFormat (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetIssuerName Obsolete. (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetKeyAlgorithm (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetKeyAlgorithmParameters (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetKeyAlgorithmParametersString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetName Obsolete. (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetNameInfo (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method GetObjectData
Public method GetPublicKey (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetPublicKeyString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetRawCertData (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetRawCertDataString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetSerialNumber (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetSerialNumberString (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Import([]) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method Import([], String, X509KeyStorageFlags) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method Import([], SecureString, X509KeyStorageFlags) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method Import(String) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method Import(String, String, X509KeyStorageFlags) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method Import(String, SecureString, X509KeyStorageFlags) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Reset (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method ToString() (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method ToString(Boolean) (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)
Public method ToString(String, IFormatProvider)
Public method Verify (Inherited from X509Certificate2.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISerializable.GetObjectData (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization (Inherited from X509Certificate.)
