ExchangeServer Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).

The ExchangeServer type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ExchangeServer() Initializes a new instance of the ExchangeServer class.
Public method ExchangeServer(Server) Initializes a new instance of the ExchangeServer class for the specified server identifier.



  Name Description
Public property AdminDisplayVersion Gets the version number for the administrator's display.
Protected property CloneableEnabledStateProperties Gets the list of properties on the presentation object marked with a ProvisionalCloneEnabledState attribute. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Protected property CloneableOnceProperties Gets the list of properties on the presentation object that can be cloned only one time. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Protected property CloneableProperties Gets the list of cloneable properties on the presentation object. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Public property CurrentConfigDomainController Gets the current domain controller for Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property CurrentDomainControllers Gets the list of domain controllers that this server can use for Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property CurrentGlobalCatalogs Gets the list of global catalogs that the server uses via Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property CustomerFeedbackEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is enrolled in the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program.
Public property DataPath Gets the path to the local data.
Public property DistinguishedName Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Domain Gets the domain to which the Exchange server belongs.
Public property Edition Gets the edition of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 that is running on the server.
Public property ErrorReportingEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server will report errors.
Public property ExchangeLegacyDN Gets the legacy distinguished name of the Exchange server.
Public property ExchangeLegacyServerRole Gets the legacy role of the Exchange server.
Public property ExchangeVersion Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Fqdn Gets the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Exchange server.
Public property Guid Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Identity (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property InternetWebProxy Gets or sets the URI of the Web proxy server that the Exchange server should use to reach the Internet.
Public property IsClientAccessServer Gets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is running the Client Access server role.
Public property IsE14OrLater Gets a value that indicates whether the version of Exchange that the server is running is Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 or later.
Public property IsEdgeServer Gets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is running the Edge server role.
Public property IsExchange2007OrLater Gets a value that indicates whether the version of Exchange that the server is running is Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or later.
Public property IsExchange2007TrialEdition Gets a value that indicates whether the version of Exchange that the server is running is Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Trial Edition.
Public property IsExpiredExchange2007TrialEdition Gets a value that indicates whether the version of Exchange that the server is running is an expired copy of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Trial Edition.
Public property IsHubTransportServer Gets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is running the Hub Transport server role.
Public property IsMailboxServer Gets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is running the Mailbox server role.
Public property IsProvisionedServer Gets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is provisioned.
Public property IsUnifiedMessagingServer Gets a value that indicates whether the Exchange server is running the Unified Messaging server role.
Public property IsValid Gets a value that indicates whether the presentation object is valid. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the Exchange server.
Public property NetworkAddress Gets the network addresses that are used by the Exchange server.
Public property ObjectCategory (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property ObjectClass (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property OrganizationalUnit Gets the Active Directory organizational unit (OU) to which this Exchange server belongs.
Public property OrganizationId (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property OriginatingServer (Inherited from ADRawEntry.)
Public property ProductID Gets the product identifier for the copy of Microsoft Exchange that is installed on the server.
Public property RemainingTrialPeriod Gets the length of time that remains in a trial installation of Microsoft Exchange.
Public property ServerRole Gets the server role that is assigned to this Exchange server.
Public property Site Gets the site of the Exchange server.
Public property StaticConfigDomainController Gets or sets the domain controller to be used by the server via Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property StaticDomainControllers Gets or sets a list of domain controllers to be used by the server via Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property StaticExcludedDomainControllers Gets or sets a list of domain controllers that the server should not use via Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property StaticGlobalCatalogs Gets or sets a list of global catalogs that the server should use via Directory Service Access (DSAccess).
Public property WhenChanged (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenChangedUTC (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenCreated (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenCreatedUTC (Inherited from ADObject.)



  Name Description
Public method Clone (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetProperties (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method SetObjectClass (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public method Validate (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Protected method ValidateRead Validates the presentation object when it is read. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Protected method ValidateWrite Validates the presentation object when it is written. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConfigurable.CopyChangesFrom (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IConfigurable.ObjectState (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConfigurable.ResetChangeTracking (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
