ADRecipient Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The ADRecipient type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ADRecipient



  Name Description
Public property AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom
Public property AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers
Public property AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers
Public property AddressBookPolicy
Public property AddressListMembership
Public property AggregationSubscriptionCredential
Public property Alias
Public property AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers
Public property AntispamBypassEnabled
Public property ArbitrationMailbox
Public property AssistantName
Public property AuditAdminOperations
Public property AuditDelegateAdminOperations
Public property AuditDelegateOperations
Public property AuditLastAdminAccess
Public property AuditLastDelegateAccess
Public property AuditLastExternalAccess
Public property AuditOwnerOperations
Public property BlockedSendersHash
Public property BypassAudit
Public property BypassModerationFrom
Public property BypassModerationFromDLMembers
Public property BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers
Public property BypassNestedModerationEnabled
Public property Certificate
Public property CustomAttribute1
Public property CustomAttribute10
Public property CustomAttribute11
Public property CustomAttribute12
Public property CustomAttribute13
Public property CustomAttribute14
Public property CustomAttribute15
Public property CustomAttribute2
Public property CustomAttribute3
Public property CustomAttribute4
Public property CustomAttribute5
Public property CustomAttribute6
Public property CustomAttribute7
Public property CustomAttribute8
Public property CustomAttribute9
Public property DefaultMailTip
Public property DirSyncId
Public property DisplayName
Public property DistinguishedName Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property EmailAddresses
Public property EmailAddressPolicyEnabled
Public property EwsAllowEntourage
Public property EwsAllowMacOutlook
Public property EwsAllowOutlook
Public property EwsApplicationAccessPolicy
Public property EwsEnabled
Public property EwsExceptions
Public property ExchangeVersion Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property ExtensionCustomAttribute1
Public property ExtensionCustomAttribute2
Public property ExtensionCustomAttribute3
Public property ExtensionCustomAttribute4
Public property ExtensionCustomAttribute5
Public property ExternalDirectoryObjectId
Public property ExternalEmailAddress
Public property ForwardingAddress
Public property ForwardingSmtpAddress
Public property GlobalAddressListFromAddressBookPolicy
Public property GrantSendOnBehalfTo
Public property Guid Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property HABSeniorityIndex
Public property HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled
Public property Identity (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property ImmutableId
Public property IsCalculatedTargetAddress
Public property IsDirSynced
Public property IsLinked
Public property IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled
Public property IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled
Public property IsResource
Public property IsShared
Public property IsValid Gets a value that indicates whether the object is configured correctly. (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public property LegacyExchangeDN
Public property LinkedMasterAccount
Public property MacAttachmentFormat
Public property MailboxAuditEnabled
Public property MailboxAuditLogAgeLimit
Public property MailboxPlan
Public property MailTipTranslations
Public property MAPIBlockOutlookVersions
Public property MAPIEnabled
Public property MasterAccountSid
Public property MaxReceiveSize
Public property MaxSendSize
Public property MessageBodyFormat
Public property MessageFormat
Public property ModeratedBy
Public property ModerationEnabled
Public property Name Gets or sets the name associated with this object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Notes
Public property ObjectCategory (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property ObjectCategoryCN
Public property ObjectClass (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property OnPremisesObjectGuid
Public property OrganizationId (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property OriginatingServer (Inherited from ADRawEntry.)
Public property OU
Public property OWAEnabled
Public property PartnerObjectId
Public property PhoneticCompany
Public property PhoneticDepartment
Public property PhoneticDisplayName
Public property PhoneticFirstName
Public property PhoneticLastName
Public property PoliciesExcluded
Public property PoliciesIncluded
Public property PrimarySmtpAddress
Public property ProtocolSettings
Public property RecipientDisplayType
Public property RecipientLimits
Public property RecipientType
Public property RecipientTypeDetails
Public property RejectMessagesFrom
Public property RejectMessagesFromDLMembers
Public property RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers
Public property RequireAllSendersAreAuthenticated
Public property ResourceCapacity
Public property ResourceCustom
Public property ResourceMetaData
Public property ResourcePropertiesDisplay
Public property ResourceSearchProperties
Public property ResourceType
Public property RoleAssignmentPolicy
Public property SafeRecipientsHash
Public property SafeSendersHash
Public property SCLDeleteEnabled
Public property SCLDeleteThreshold
Public property SCLJunkEnabled
Public property SCLJunkThreshold
Public property SCLQuarantineEnabled
Public property SCLQuarantineThreshold
Public property SCLRejectEnabled
Public property SCLRejectThreshold
Public property SendModerationNotifications
Public property ShowGalAsDefaultView
Public property SimpleDisplayName
Public property SMimeCertificate
Public property TextEncodedORAddress
Public property ThrottlingPolicy
Public property ThumbnailPhoto
Public property UMAddresses
Public property UMDtmfMap
Public property UMExtension
Public property UMRecipientDialPlanId
Public property UMSpokenName
Public property UsageLocation
Public property UseMapiRichTextFormat
Public property UsePreferMessageFormat
Public property WebPage
Public property WhenChanged (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenChangedUTC (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenCreated (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenCreatedUTC (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WindowsEmailAddress



  Name Description
Public method Clone (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetProperties (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method SetObjectClass (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public method ToString (Overrides ADObject.ToString().)
Public method Validate (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Protected method ValidateRead (Overrides ADObject.ValidateRead(List<ValidationError>).)
Protected method ValidateWrite (Overrides ADObject.ValidateWrite(List<ValidationError>).)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConfigurable.CopyChangesFrom (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IConfigurable.ObjectState (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConfigurable.ResetChangeTracking (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
