DynamicDistributionGroup.IncludedRecipients Property

Gets or sets the types of the recipients that can be included in the DynamicDistributionGroup.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management
Assembly:  Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll)


<ParameterAttribute> _
Public Property IncludedRecipients As Nullable(Of WellKnownRecipientType)
Dim instance As DynamicDistributionGroup
Dim value As Nullable(Of WellKnownRecipientType)

value = instance.IncludedRecipients

instance.IncludedRecipients = value
public Nullable<WellKnownRecipientType> IncludedRecipients { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: System.Nullable<WellKnownRecipientType>
The recipients that can be included in the DynamicDistributionGroup.


You must set this property if you set any of the conditional custom attribute properties. You cannot set both this property and the RecipientFilter property.