Users and Groups

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User Types

A Live Meeting user is a participant in a meeting that is held in a given conference center. A participant can be a presenter or an invitee in the audience of a meeting. Users can be classified in the following types:

  • A user who is a member of a given conference center. This type of user holds an account in the conference center and has the role of an administrator, an organizer, or a member.

  • A user who is not a member of a given conference center. This type of user does not hold any account in the conference center and can only attend a meeting after receiving a meeting invitation or is otherwise granted permission to join a meeting. A non-member user must be given a password to join a meeting unless the meeting has no entry control defined.

Member Roles

The role of a member in a conference center defines a set of privileges to use the Live Meeting conference center. A member can have one of the following roles:

  • Administrator. In this role, a user can perform all functions in the conference center. This includes enumerating, creating, modifying, or deleting all meetings, all users, all recordings, all resources, and so on. An administrator can invite members or non-members to any meeting.

  • Organizer. In this role, a user has a more restricted privilege. For example, an organizer cannot modify or delete meetings that are created by another user. An organizer can only enumerate meetings for which he or she is the owner. An organizer cannot create, modify, or delete another user account. An organizer can invite members or non-members to a meeting under his or her control.

  • Member. In this role, a user cannot organize meetings but can log on to his or her conference center and use other features. To use access control lists, the invitees must at least be members of the conference center.


Members can be organized into groups. Groups are useful for inviting multiple members to a meeting. A member can belong to any number of groups.

See Also


Live Meeting Clients