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Provides access to the message service table, a list of the message services in the profile.
HRESULT GetMsgServiceTable(
ULONG ulFlags,
[in] Always NULL.lppTable
[out] A pointer to a pointer to the message service table.
Return Value
- S_OK
The message service table was successfully returned.
The IMsgServiceAdmin::GetMsgServiceTable method provides access to the message service table, a table that MAPI maintains that lists the message services currently installed in the session profile. For a complete list of columns in the message service table, see Message Service Table.
The message service table is static. After a client has been given access to it, subsequent message service additions or deletions will not affect it. If there are no message services in the current profile, GetMsgServiceTable returns a table with zero rows.
MFCMAPI Reference
For MFCMAPI sample code, see the following table.
File |
Function |
Comment |
MsgServiceTableDlg.cpp |
CMsgServiceTableDlg::OnRefreshView |
MFCMAPI uses the IMsgServiceAdmin::GetMsgServiceTable method to load the table of services in a profile to render in the view. |
See Also