Recipient Properties for All Messages

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The following properties are typically present for all message recipients. PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS and PR_SEARCH_KEY are optional; all of the other properties are required.

Table Title



PR_ADDRTYPE (PidTagAddressType)

Contains the messaging user's e-mail address type, such as SMTP.

PR_DISPLAY_NAME (PidTagDisplayName)

Contains the display name for a given MAPI object.

PR_DISPLAY_TYPE (PidTagDisplayType)

Contains a value used to associate an icon with a particular row of a table.

PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS (PidTagEmailAddress)

Contains the messaging user's e-mail address.

PR_ENTRYID (PidTagEntryId)

Contains a MAPI entry identifier used to open and edit properties of a particular MAPI object.

PR_OBJECT_TYPE (PidTagObjectType)

Contains the type of an object.

PR_SEARCH_KEY (PidTagSearchKey)

Contains a binary-comparable key that identifies correlated objects for a search.