ItemEvents_10 Members

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Include Inherited Members

This is an event interface in a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. This interface is not intended to be used in your code.

The ItemEvents_10 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AfterWrite This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method AttachmentAdd This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method AttachmentRead This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method AttachmentRemove This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeAttachmentAdd This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeAttachmentPreview This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeAttachmentRead This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeAttachmentSave This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeAttachmentWriteToTempFile This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeAutoSave This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeCheckNames This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeDelete This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method BeforeRead This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Close This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method CustomAction This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method CustomPropertyChange This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Forward This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Open This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method PropertyChange This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Read This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Reply This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method ReplyAll This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Send This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Unload This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.
Public method Write This is a member in an event interface in a COM coclass. It is not intended to be used in your code.


See Also


ItemEvents_10 Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Namespace