MobileItem Object (Outlook)
Represents a text message item (Short Message Service (SMS) message) or a multimedia message item (Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) message).
Version Information
Version Added: Outlook 2010
The MobileItem object allows you to incorporate mobile messaging into Outlook solutions. In many ways, the MobileItem object is very similar to other Outlook item types. For example, you can use the CreateItem method of the Application object, or the Add method of the Items object for a folder, to create a MobileItem object. You can use the Recipients and Subject properties to specify recipients and a subject for the MobileItem. In other ways, the MobileItem behaves differently. For example, the Send method has a ForceSend parameter that supports sending the item even when the item exceeds the limitations of the service provider.
Depending on the format of the MobileItem and the body format of the message, you can use the Body, HTMLBody, or SMILBody property to specify the message content of the MobileItem.
Use the MobileFormat property to verify whether a MobileItem object is a text message or multimedia message.
The following code example in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) shows how to create an SMS MobileItem object by using the CreateItem method of the Application object. The code example initializes the Body property of the MobileItem object and displays it in an inspector.
Sub CreateMobileItemSMS()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim myMobileItem As Outlook.MobileItem
Set olApp = Outlook.Application
Set myMobileItem = olApp.CreateItem(olMobileItemSMS)
myMobileItem.Body = "Text message was created by OM!"
End Sub
The following VBA code example shows how to create an MMS MobileItem object in the Inbox folder by using the Add method of the Items object for that folder. The code example initializes the Subject property of the MobileItem object and displays it in an inspector.
Sub AddMobileItem()
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myMobileItem As Outlook.MobileItem
Set myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = _
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
Set myMobileItem = myItems.Add("IPM.NOTE.Mobile.MMS")
myMobileItem.Subject = "My Multimedia Message"
End Sub
The following VBA code example shows how to create an MMS MobileItem object by using the CreateItem method of the implicit Outlook Application object. The code example adds an attachment to the MobileItem object and sets the PidTagAttachContentId property of the attachment. The example then initializes the SMILBody property, and saves and displays the MobileItem object.
Sub CreateMobileItemMMS ()
Dim myMobileItem As MobileItem
Dim myAttachment, myAttachment1, myAttachment2 As Outlook.Attachment
Set myMobileItem = CreateItem(olMobileItemMMS)
Set myAttachment1 = myMobileItem.Attachments.Add("C:\att0.txt", olByValue)
' Sets the PidTagAttachContentId property of the attachment.
myAttachment1.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty "", "att0.txt"
myMobileItem.SMILBody = "<?xml version=""1.0"" standalone=""yes""?>" & _
"<smil><head><meta name=""author"" content=""MSOfficeOlkOMS""/>" & _
"<layout><root-layout width=""128"" height=""128"" background-color=""#000000""/>" & _
"<region id=""Image"" left=""0%"" top=""0%"" width=""100%"" height=""75%"" fit=""slice""/>" & _
"<region id=""Text"" left=""0%"" top=""75%"" width=""100%"" height=""25%"" fit=""slice""/>" & _
"</layout></head><body><par dur=""invalid""><img src=""att1.jpg"" region=""Image""/>" & _
"<text src=""att0.txt"" region=""Text""/></par></body></smil>"
end sub