File.GetLimitedWebPartManager Method

Specifies the control set used to access, modify, or add Web Parts associated with this Web Part Page and view.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
Assemblies:   Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.dll);  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll)


<RemoteAttribute> _
Public Function GetLimitedWebPartManager ( _
    scope As PersonalizationScope _
) As LimitedWebPartManager
Dim instance As File
Dim scope As PersonalizationScope
Dim returnValue As LimitedWebPartManager

returnValue = instance.GetLimitedWebPartManager(scope)
public LimitedWebPartManager GetLimitedWebPartManager(
    PersonalizationScope scope


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.WebParts.LimitedWebPartManager
Returns a LimitedWebPartManager instance representing the control set used to access, modify, or add Web Parts associated with this Web Part Page and view.


Exception Condition

URL extension must not be a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) and must be ASPX. Error code: -1.


URL must be an absolute address. Error code: -2147024809.


URL must not be a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Error code: -2147467261.


PersonalizationScope must be valid. Error code: -2146233086.


New initialized instance of Web Part Manager must exist. Error code: -2147024894.

See Also


File Class

File Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client Namespace