SPHttpFileExtensionThrottleClassifier.Equals Method

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current SPHttpFileExtensionThrottleClassifier object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Available in Sandboxed Solutions: No


Public Overrides Function Equals ( _
    obj As Object _
) As Boolean
Dim instance As SPHttpFileExtensionThrottleClassifier
Dim obj As Object
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = instance.Equals(obj)
public override bool Equals(
    Object obj


Return Value

Type: System.Boolean
true, if the two objects are equal; otherwise, false.


This override returns true if the Extension and ThrottleLevel properties of the two objects are equal. So, in principle, there could be two different SPHttpFileExtensionThrottleClassifier objects for the same file extension, each of them assigning it a different throttle level. In that case, classifier with the more stringent throttle level would overrule the other. For example, if one sets the throttle level to FirstStage and the other to SecondStage, matching requests would be throttled in the first stage.

See Also


SPHttpFileExtensionThrottleClassifier Class

SPHttpFileExtensionThrottleClassifier Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace