SPMobileHtmlPageAdapter Members

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Provides the page adapter class that adds an indication to the <HTML> tag of the page if the reading direction of the language is right-to-left (e.g. Arabic or Hebrew).

The SPMobileHtmlPageAdapter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPMobileHtmlPageAdapter Initializes a new instance of the SPMobileHtmlPageAdapter class.



  Name Description
Public property CacheVaryByHeaders (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public property Control (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public property CookielessDataDictionary (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public property Device (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected property EventArgumentKey (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Protected property EventSourceKey (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Protected property FormAdapter (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public property ItemWeight (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public property OptimumPageWeight (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public property Page (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Protected property PageAdapter (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public property PersistCookielessData (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public property RequiresFormTag (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected property SecondaryUIMode (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public property Style (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public property VisibleWeight (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)



  Name Description
Protected method AddAccesskeyAttribute (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method AddAttributes (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method AddJPhoneMultiMediaAttributes (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method CalculateOptimumPageWeight (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method CreateTemplatedUI (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method CreateTextWriter (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method DeterminePostBackMode (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ExitSecondaryUIMode (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetDefaultLabel (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method GetFormUrl (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HandleError (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method HandlePagePostBackEvent (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method HandlePostBackEvent (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method IsFormRendered (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method LoadAdapterState (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public method LoadPostData (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method OnInit (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method OnLoad (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method OnPreRender (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method OnUnload (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method Render(HtmlMobileTextWriter) (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method Render(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method RenderAsHiddenInputField (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method RenderBeginLink (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method RenderChildren (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method RenderEndLink (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public method RenderForm Renders the specified form. (Overrides HtmlPageAdapter.RenderForm(HtmlMobileTextWriter, Form).)
Protected method RenderHiddenVariables (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method RenderPostBackEvent (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Protected method RenderPostBackEventAsAnchor (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method RenderPostBackEventAsAttribute (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Protected method RenderPostBackEventReference (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public method RenderPostBackHeader (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method RenderUrlPostBackEvent (Inherited from HtmlPageAdapter.)
Public method SaveAdapterState (Inherited from HtmlControlAdapter.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


SPMobileHtmlPageAdapter Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls Namespace