EntityList<TEntity>.InsertAllOnSubmit Method

Marks the specified entities for insertion into the list on the next call of SubmitChanges().

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq.dll)


Public Sub InsertAllOnSubmit ( _
    entities As IEnumerable(Of TEntity) _
Dim instance As EntityList
Dim entities As IEnumerable(Of TEntity)

public void InsertAllOnSubmit(
    IEnumerable<TEntity> entities



Exception Condition

At least one member of entities is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


Object tracking is not enabled for the DataContext object.

- or -

At least one member of entities is not of the same type as the list items.

- or -

At least one member of entities has been deleted.

- or -

At least one member of entities has been updated.

- or -

There is a problem with the internal ID of at least one member of entities that is used by the object tracking system.


entities are usually a list items, but one or more can be a detached entities of the same type as the list items.

See Also


EntityList<TEntity> Class

EntityList<TEntity> Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq Namespace