DeletedSocialCommentDetail |
Represents details of the social comment whose information has been deleted from the database. |
DeletedSocialDataDetail |
Represents details about social data that has been deleted from the database. |
DeletedSocialRatingDetail |
Represents details of the social rating whose information has been deleted from the database. |
DeletedSocialTagDetail |
Represents the details of the social tag whose information has been deleted from the database. |
FeedbackData |
Contains a set of properties that are logged as analysis data whenever a SocialRating is set. |
SocialCommentDetail |
Represents details about a social comment. |
SocialDataDetail |
Represents details about the social data. |
SocialDataService |
Provides methods for remote clients to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) social data. |
SocialRatingAverageDetail |
Represents details about the average rating for a specified URL. |
SocialRatingDetail |
Represents details about the social rating. |
SocialReplicationData |
Contains information about current and deleted social tags, comments, and ratings. |
SocialTagDetail |
Contains information about a social tag. |
SocialTermDetail |
Contains information about a term and count of a social tag term. |
SocialUrlDetail |
Provides detailed information about a social URL. |
TermDetail |
Represents the detail of a term. |