SPMobileMessagingAccount Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a user’s account with an Office Mobile Service (OMS) Web service.

The SPMobileMessagingAccount type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPMobileMessagingAccount() Initializes a new instance of the SPMobileMessagingAccount class.
Public method SPMobileMessagingAccount(String, String, String, SecureString) Initializes a new instance of the SPMobileMessagingAccount class with the specified service and user.
Public method SPMobileMessagingAccount(String, String, String, SecureString, SPMobileMessageServiceProvider, SPMobileMessageUserInfo) Initializes a new instance of the SPMobileMessagingAccount class with the specified service, user, and service provider.



  Name Description
Public property AccountId Gets the account ID.
Public property LastUpdate Gets or sets the last time one of the properties of the Web service changed.
Public property Parent Gets the SharePoint Foundation Web application to which the user’s Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service account belongs.
Public property Password Gets or sets the user’s password for the account.
Public property ServiceName Gets or sets the friendly name of the Office Mobile Service (OMS) Web Service.
Public property ServiceProvider Gets information from the Web service about its provider.
Public property ServiceUrl Gets or sets the URL of the Office Mobile Service (OMS) Web service.
Public property SoapFormat Gets or sets the SOAP format, sometimes called the SOAP style.
Public property UserId Gets or sets the account holder’s ID.
Public property UserInfo Gets the Office Mobile Service (OMS) Web service’s information about the account holder.



  Name Description
Public method CheckServiceUpdate Ensures that the SPMobileMessagingAccount object’s information about the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service provider is at least as recent as the specified date.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsValidAccount Gets a value that indicates whether the account object is still a valid account with the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UpdateServiceProvider Gets the service provider’s latest information about itself and uses it to update the ServiceProvider property.
Public method UpdateUserInfo Gets the service provider’s latest information about the user and uses it to update the UserInfo property.


See Also


SPMobileMessagingAccount Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileMessage Namespace