NameValuePair |
Defines a name/value pair that can be set or retrieved. |
RecordsRepositoryProperty |
Represents the properties of the records repository. |
SPAlert |
Represents an alert, which generates periodic e-mail or Short Message Service (SMS) notifications sent to a user about the list, list item, document, or document library to which the alert applies. |
SPAlertCollection |
Represents a collection of SPAlert objects. |
SPAlertTemplate |
Defines the template used for an alert. |
SPAlertTemplateCollection |
Represents a collection of alert templates. |
SPAttachmentCollection |
Represents the collection of attachments for a list item. |
SPAudit |
Enables auditing of how site collections, sites, lists, folders, and list items are accessed, changed, and used. |
SPAuditEntry |
Contains information about an audited event that is connected to a site collection, site, folder, list, or list item. |
SPAuditEntryCollection |
Provides a container for SPAuditEntry objects. |
SPAuditQuery |
Defines a query of the audit entries of the SharePoint database. |
SPBaseCollection |
Provides the base functionality for collections in the Microsoft.SharePoint and Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespaces. |
SPBuiltInContentTypeId |
A class that retrieves SPContentTypeId objects that represent identifiers (IDs) for built-in content types. |
SPBuiltInFieldId |
Retrieves identifiers for the fields that ship with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPBusinessDataField |
Represents the primary column of the field type and usually contains the display name of the external data object (such as Customer name). |
SPCalendarViewStyle |
Represents a day, week, or month view style for a calendar. |
SPCalendarViewStyleCollection |
Represents a collection of SPCalendarViewStyle objects. |
SPChange |
Represents a change that has been made to a SharePoint object within the scope of an item, list, Web site, site collection, or content database, or to a security policy within the scope of a Web application. |
SPChangeAlert |
Represents a change to an alert. |
SPChangeCollection |
Represents a collection of objects derived from the SPChange class. |
SPChangeContentType |
Represents a change to a content type. |
SPChangeField |
Represents a change to a site column. |
SPChangeFile |
Represents a change to a file that is outside a list or to an attachment. |
SPChangeFolder |
Represents a change to a folder. |
SPChangeGroup |
Represents a change to a group. |
SPChangeItem |
Represents a change to an item. |
SPChangeList |
Represents a change to a list. |
SPChangeQuery |
Defines a query that is performed against the change log in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPChangeSecurityPolicy |
Represents a change to a security policy. |
SPChangeSite |
Represents a change to a site collection. |
SPChangeToken |
Represents the unique sequential location of a change within the change log. |
SPChangeTokenCollection |
Represents a collection of SPChangeToken objects. |
SPChangeUser |
Represents a change to a user. |
SPChangeView |
Represents a change to a view. |
SPChangeWeb |
Represents a change to a Web site. |
SPChannelFactoryOperations |
Provides a set of static methods for performing operations with WCF channel factories. |
SPCheckedOutFile |
Represents a checked-out file in a document library or workspace. |
SPContentType |
Represents a site or list content type. |
SPContentTypeCollection |
Represents a collection of web or list content types. |
SPContentTypeReadOnlyException |
Represents an exception that occurs when an attempt is made to modify an SPContentType object that is read-only. |
SPContentTypeSealedException |
Represents an exception that occurs when an attempt is made to modify an SPContentType object that is sealed. |
SPContentTypeUsage |
Used to track where a content type is used as the basis for another content type. |
SPContext |
Represents the context of an HTTP request in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPContextPageInfo |
Encapsulates information about the main page in the context of the current request. |
SPCopyDestination |
Represents a copy destination for a document on a SharePoint Web site. |
SPCopyDestinationCollection |
Represents a collection of SPCopyDestination objects. |
SPCopyFieldInformation |
Represents type information that is associated with fields being copied across servers. |
SPCopyFieldMask |
Represents a field mask for a copied item. |
SPCustomWebTemplate |
Represents a Web template. |
SPDailySchedule |
Represents a daily schedule for a job definition. The schedule controls when a job starts. |
SPDataRetrievalServicesSettings |
Obsolete. Use the SPDataRetrievalProvider class to access the data-retrieval service settings for a Web application instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the SPDataRetrievalServucesSettings class represented the data-retrieval service settings that are used on a virtual server.) |
SPDistributionGroupException |
Represents an en exception that occurs while performing an operation on a distribution list for a group. |
SPDistributionGroupJobData |
Holds information about an asynchronous Directory Management Service request. |
SPDocDiscussion |
Obsolete. Represents all the discussions associated with a single document that has been discussed in a document library. |
SPDocDiscussionCollection |
Obsolete. Represents the collection of SPDocDiscussion objects associated with documents in a specific document library. |
SPDocTemplate |
Represents a document template used in a document library. |
SPDocTemplateCollection |
Represents a collection of document templates. |
SPDocumentLibrary |
Represents a document library in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPDuplicateValuesFoundException |
Exception to throw if and only if duplicate values are found while inserting or updating items/documents in a list/document library. |
SPEmailEventReceiver |
Provides a method for trapping the event when a list receives an e-mail message. |
SPEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder |
Represents an expression builder for returning an encoded resource. |
SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when there are no endpoint addresses available for load balancing. |
SPEvaluatorModeProvisioner |
Represents a provisioner for creating the default site and content in stand-alone installations of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPEvaluatorModeProvisioning |
Represents the class that implements evaluator mode provisioning for stand-alone installations of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPEventContext |
Represents an Event Context in a list of receiver processes on a SharePoint Foundation website. |
SPEventPropertiesBase |
Abstract base class that provides the event properties that are common to all event types. This class is never instantiated. |
SPEventReceiverBase |
Provides methods for event receivers in the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation object model and serves as the base class for creating list items, lists, Webs, and sites. |
SPEventReceiverDefinition |
Abstract base class that defines general properties of an event receiver for list items, lists, websites, and workflows. |
SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection |
Represents a collection of SPEventReceiverDefinition objects that are used to enumerate the list of registered event receivers for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation objects that can have events. |
SPException |
Represents an exception in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPExceptionEventArgs |
A [System.EventArgs] class for passing an exception thrown in an event publisher to an event subscriber. |
SPExecutingConversionRequest |
Conveys the context of a document conversion. |
SPExternalApplicationRegistrationException |
Represents a failure of an external application, such as a Silverlight application, to register with SharePoint Foundation so that it can obtain data from, or interact with, the Web site. |
SPExternalApplicationRegistrationInformation |
Provides information that is used to render a registration page for an external application that is hosted in a Web Part and to render a link to the page on the Tool Part of the Web Part. |
SPExternalApplicationRequestProperties |
Represents a request from an external application, such as a Silverlight application, for access to SharePoint Foundation data. |
SPExternalApplicationRequestResult |
When implemented in a derived class, provides a method that returns the content control for a Web Part that hosts an external application, and optionally holds a client hash. |
SPExternalBinaryId |
Provides the means to retrieve ID values that allow you to retrieve files that are stored in an External BLOB Store. |
SPExternalBinaryIdCollection |
A collection of BinaryID values provides using an SPExternalBinaryId object, and that correspond with binary files stored in an External BLOB Store. |
SPFeature |
Represents the state of a feature at its corresponding scope. |
SPFeatureCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFeature objects. |
SPFeatureDefinitionMissingException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a Feature definition cannot be found. |
SPFeatureDependency |
Represents a Feature that is depended upon by another Feature. |
SPFeatureDependencyCollection |
Represents a collection of Features that are depended upon by another Feature. |
SPFeatureDependencyNotActivatedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when activating or upgrading a feature that has a dependency on a visible feature that is not activated. |
SPFeatureIsOrphanedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a Feature has been activated but the site where it was activated is missing. |
SPFeatureProperty |
Represents a single Feature property. |
SPFeaturePropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFeatureProperty objects. |
SPFeatureQueryResultCollection |
Represents an enumerable collection of SPFeature objects. |
SPFeatureReceiver |
Defines methods that are called when a Feature is installed, uninstalled, activated, deactivated, or upgraded. |
SPFeatureReceiverProperties |
Represents the properties of a Feature installation, uninstallation, activation, or deactivation event. |
SPFeatureUpgradeFatalErrorException |
Represents an exception that occurs during a Feature upgrade that immediately stops the upgrade. |
SPFeatureUpgradeInformativeWarningException |
Represents an exception that occurs during a Feature upgrade that does not halt the upgrade. |
SPField |
Represents a field in a list on a SharePoint Foundation Web site. |
SPFieldAllDayEvent |
Represents a field that specifies whether an activity takes all day and does not have a start or end time. |
SPFieldAttachments |
Represents a field that contains attachments. |
SPFieldBoolean |
Represents a Boolean field type. |
SPFieldCalculated |
Represents a calculated field in a list. |
SPFieldChoice |
Represents a choice field. |
SPFieldCollection |
Represents a collection of SPField objects. |
SPFieldComputed |
Represents a computed field, which is a field that depends on another field for its contents. |
SPFieldCrossProjectLink |
Represents a field that is used to connect a list event with a Meeting Workspace site. |
SPFieldCurrency |
Represents a field that contains currency values. |
SPFieldDateTime |
Represents a field that contains date and time values. |
SPFieldDecimal |
Represents a decimal (base 10) floating-point data type in the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 namespace. |
SPFieldFile |
Represents a field that contains a file. |
SPFieldGuid |
Represents a field that contains a GUID. |
SPFieldIndex |
Represents a content index extending over one or two fields in a list. This class supports the efficient query of list items that filter by those fields. |
SPFieldIndexCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFieldIndex objects. |
SPFieldLink |
Represents a single column (also known as field) reference that is included in a content type. |
SPFieldLinkCollection |
Represents the collection of column or field references in a content type. |
SPFieldLookup |
Represents a lookup field. |
SPFieldLookupValue |
Contains the value for an SPFieldLookup object. |
SPFieldLookupValueCollection |
Contains the values for an SPFieldLookup object that can contain multiple values. |
SPFieldModStat |
Represents a field that contains content approval status. |
SPFieldMultiChoice |
Represents a choice field that allows multiple values. |
SPFieldMultiChoiceValue |
Contains the value for an SPFieldMultiChoice object. |
SPFieldMultiColumn |
Represents a multicolumn field type. |
SPFieldMultiColumnValue |
Contains the value for an SPFieldMultiColumn object. |
SPFieldMultiLineText |
Represents a text field that can contain multiple lines. |
SPFieldNumber |
Represents a field that contains numbers. |
SPFieldPageSeparator |
Represents a field that is used to insert a page break in a survey list. |
SPFieldRatingScale |
Represents a rating scale field that is used in surveys. |
SPFieldRatingScaleValue |
Contains the value for an SPFieldRatingScale object. |
SPFieldRecurrence |
Represents a field that contains a recurrence pattern in a Calendar list. |
SPFieldTemplateUsage |
Used to track where an instance of the SPField class is used. |
SPFieldText |
Represents a field that contains a single line of text. |
SPFieldTypeDefinition |
Represents a field type definition. |
SPFieldTypeDefinitionCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFieldTypeDefinition objects. |
SPFieldUrl |
Represents a field that contains URL values. |
SPFieldUrlValue |
Represents the value for an SPFieldUrl object. |
SPFieldUser |
Represents a user field. |
SPFieldUserValue |
Contains the value for an SPFieldUser object. |
SPFieldUserValueCollection |
Contains a collection of user field values. |
SPFieldValidationException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an error occurs during field value validation. |
SPFieldValueException |
Represents an exception thrown when an error is detected in the value of a field in a list. |
SPFieldWorkflowStatus |
Represents a workflow status field. |
SPFile |
Represents a file in a SharePoint Web site that can be a Web Parts page, an item in a document library, or a file in a folder. |
SPFileCheckOutException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an error occurs during checkout of an SPFile object. |
SPFileCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFile objects. |
SPFileCollectionAddParameters |
Encapsulates options to use when adding an SPFile object to an SPFileCollection collection. |
SPFileLockException |
The exception that is thrown when a file lock causes an error to occur during an operation on an SPFile object. |
SPFileSaveBinaryParameters |
Encapsulates options to use when saving an SPFile object by calling the SaveBinary(Stream, SPFileSaveBinaryParameters) method. |
SPFileStream |
Exposes a Stream object around a SharePoint file. |
SPFileVersion |
Represents a version of an SPFile object. |
SPFileVersionCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFileVersion objects. |
SPFolder |
Represents a folder on a SharePoint Web site. |
SPFolderCollection |
Represents a collection of SPFolder objects. |
SPForm |
Represents a form creating, displaying, or editing a list item in a list. |
SPFormCollection |
Represents a collection of SPForm objects. |
SPFormContext |
Provides information about the context that is specific to a list item form. |
SPGroup |
Represents a group on a SharePoint Foundation Web site. |
SPGroupCollection |
Represents a collection of SPGroup objects. |
SPHourlySchedule |
Represents an hourly schedule for a job definition. The schedule controls when a job starts. |
SPHtmlEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder |
Represents an expression builder for returning an HTML-encoded resource string. |
SPInvalidLookupValuesException |
This exception should be thrown if and only if invalid lookup values are found while inserting or updating items/documents in a list/document library. |
SPInvalidPropertyException |
Represents an exception that is thrown for invalid properties in a property bag. |
SPIssueList |
Represents an issues list. |
SPItem |
Abstract base class that constitutes the data transport item upon which forms operate. |
SPItemEventDataCollection |
Holds the properties of an item in state, which can be the current properties of the item (for Before events), properties that the item will have (for updating events), or changed properties of the item (for After events). |
SPItemEventProperties |
Contains information about list item events. |
SPItemEventReceiver |
Provides methods for trapping events that occur to items. This class is never instantiated. |
SPLanguage |
Represents a natural language used within the context of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPLanguageCollection |
Represents a collection of SPLanguage objects. |
SPLink |
Describes a link to or from a document or regular list item. |
SPLinkCollection |
Represents a collection of Microsoft.SharePoint.SPLink objects. |
SPList |
Represents a list on a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web site. |
SPListCollection |
Represents a collection of SPList objects. |
SPListDataSource |
Provides information about an external list. |
SPListDataSource.BDCProperties |
Business Data Collection properties. These property names can be used as input to the SPListDataSource.GetProperty() and SPListDataSource.SetProperty() methods. |
SPListDataValidationException |
The exception that is thrown when data for a list field or list item fails validation. |
SPListDataValidationException.SPFailure |
Describes a specific validation failure when a list item is inserted or updated. |
SPListEvent |
Obsolete. Represents an event that occurs within a document library. This class is maintained for backward-compatibility with event handling in Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. |
SPListEventProperties |
Provides properties for SharePoint list events. |
SPListEventReceiver |
Provides methods to trap events that are raised for lists. This class is never instantiated. |
SPListItem |
Represents an item or row in a list. |
SPListItemCollection |
Represents a collection of SPListItem objects. |
SPListItemCollectionPosition |
Supports paging through data sets, storing the state that is required to get the next page of data for a specific view of a list. |
SPListItemInfo |
Encapsulates selected information about an SPListItem object. |
SPListItemVersion |
Represents a version of a list item. |
SPListItemVersionCollection |
Represents a collection of SPListItemVersion objects. |
SPListTemplate |
Represents a list definition or a list template, which defines the fields and views for a list. List definitions are contained in files within %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES, but list templates are created through the user interface or through the object model when a list is saved as a template. |
SPListTemplateCollection |
Represents a collection of SPListTemplate objects. |
SPLocale |
Represents the information for a locale that can be set in a SharePoint site, including the display name and locale identifier (LCID). |
SPLocaleCollection |
Represents a collection of SPLocale objects. |
SPLocalizationCollection |
Defines the list of strings that represent localization countries, languages, or regions. |
SPLongOperation |
Sets the Web page image to the image used by the server to indicate a lengthy operation (typically, an animated image with associated text). |
SPLongOperationState |
Provides thread safe access to the status string periodically sent to the client during a long lasting operation that maintains state. |
SPMember |
Represents the base class for the SPUser and SPGroup classes. |
SPMemberCollection |
An abstract class encapsulating the behavior of user collections and group collections. |
SPMinuteSchedule |
Represents a minute schedule for a job definition. |
SPMobileContext |
Provides information about the current context that is needed for interaction between mobile devices and SharePoint Foundation Web sites. |
SPModerationInformation |
Provides information about the content approval status for an item in a list or a document library. |
SPModule |
Represents the collection of files and views that are used in a site template. |
SPModule.SPModulePropertyBag |
Represents metadata for a module. |
SPModuleCollection |
Represents a collection of SPModule objects. |
SPMonthlyByDaySchedule |
Represents a monthly job definition schedule for a given day and week of the month. |
SPMonthlySchedule |
Represents a monthly schedule for a job definition. |
SPOfficialFileHost |
Represents an external connection to which users and services can send files. |
SPOneTimeSchedule |
Represents a schedule that specifies the time range during which the job will run. |
SPPermission |
Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRole represented the permission assigned to a user or group for a list or a site and is maintained for backward compatibility.) |
SPPermissionCollection |
Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRole represented a collection of SPPermission objects and is maintained for backward compatibility.) |
SPPermissionInfo |
Represents the detailed permissions and role assignments for a user at a given scope. |
SPPictureLibrary |
Represents a document library that contains pictures. |
SPPrincipal |
Represents a user or group that can be assigned permissions in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation to control security. |
SPQuery |
Represents a query in a list view. |
SPQueryThrottledException |
The exception that is thrown when the attempted operation exceeds the list view threshold set by an administrator. |
SPRecycleBinItem |
Represents an item in the Recycle Bin for a Web site or a site collection. |
SPRecycleBinItemCollection |
Represents a collection of SPRecycleBinItem objects. |
SPRecycleBinItemCollectionPosition |
Stores information about the state that is required to get the next page of data for a recycle bin view. |
SPRecycleBinQuery |
Represents a query against the Recycle Bin. |
SPRegionalSettings |
Represents regional settings that are used on the server that is running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPRelatedField |
Provides information about a lookup field on a child list that gets information from a parent list. |
SPRelatedFieldCollection |
Represents a collection of SPRelatedField objects with information about the relationship between a field in a list and a lookup field in another list. |
SPRequestContext |
Manages a list of references to the SPSites that are being opened for a specific request. |
SPResource |
Gets localized strings in the Microsoft.Sharepoint namespace defined in microsoft.sharepoint.intl.dll, using the specified parameters. |
SPResourceExpressionBuilder |
Evaluates expressions during Microsoft SharePoint Foundation page parsing. |
SPReusableAcl |
Represents an access control list (ACL) that is applied to a site collection, Web site, list, or list item. |
SPRole |
Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRole represented a site group and is maintained for backward compatibility.) |
SPRoleAssignment |
Defines the role assignments for a user or group on the current object. |
SPRoleAssignmentCollection |
Represents a collection of role assignments for a securable object. |
SPRoleCollection |
Obsolete. Use the new SPRoleDefinition and SPRoleAssignment classes instead, to define roles and to assign users to them. For more information, see Authorization Object Model. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPRoleCollection represented a collection of SPRole objects and is maintained for backward compatibility.) |
SPRoleDefinition |
Defines a single role definition, including a name, description, management properties, and a set of rights. |
SPRoleDefinitionBindingCollection |
Defines the role definitions that are bound to a role assignment object. |
SPRoleDefinitionCollection |
Represents the collection of SPRoleDefinition objects defining the role definitions that are available for use within the Web site. |
SPRoundRobinServiceLoadBalancer |
This class provides a round-robin load-balancer algorithm across all instances of a service application to which it is connected. |
SPRoundRobinServiceLoadBalancerContext |
The round robin load balancer context. This is an object of this type contains the context for an operation invoked using SPRoundRobinServiceLoadBalancer. |
SPSchedule |
Abstract base class that supports the different schedule types that are used in job definitions. |
SPSearchResult |
This class is deprecated. For Search, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class. Represents the item returned as a result of a search performed on a list, document library, or site. |
SPSearchResultCollection |
This method is deprecated. For Search, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class. Represents a collection of SPSearchResult objects. |
SPSearchResultCollectionPosition |
Deprecated. For Search, use the Execute method of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQuery class or the Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery class. Supports paging through the results of a search and storing the state that is required to get the next page of data. |
SPSecurableObject |
Represents the characteristics and behavior of an object that can be secured against unauthorized access. |
SPSecurity |
Provides static security management properties and methods. |
SPSecurity.SuppressAccessDeniedRedirectInScope |
Suppresses the automatic redirect when an UnauthorizedException is thrown within the using scope. |
SPSecurityContext |
Provides a static utility class that contains properties and methods to work with the security context of the current user. |
SPServiceContext |
Represents a context object that encapsulates all the information that is required to make a call to a service application. |
SPServiceContextScope |
Creates a block within which an SPServiceContext object is in scope. |
SPServiceHostOperations |
Service host operations class that facilitates Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service use with SharePoint. |
SPServiceLoadBalancer |
An abstract base class for implementations of the runtime load balancer on the Web front end. Any class that implements SPServiceLoadBalancer should provide support for load balancing across all addresses in the server farm for the service to which the class is connected. |
SPServiceLoadBalancerContext |
Contains the context for an operation. |
SPSimpleFormattingEncodedResourceExpressionBuilder |
Represents an expression builder that returns an encoded resource string with simple text formatting. |
SPSimpleItem |
Provides methods to add, modify, or delete a simple list item and the fields associated with that item. |
SPSite |
Represents a collection of sites in a Web application, including a top-level Web site and all its subsites. Each SPSite object, or site collection, is represented within an SPSiteCollection object that consists of the collection of all site collections in the Web application. |
SPSite.WebVisualReport |
Retrieves a list of [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.WebVisualReport] objects for all SPWebs in this Site Collection and their corresponding Visual Upgrade data. |
SPSiteDataQuery |
Represents a query that can be performed across multiple lists in multiple Web sites in the same Web site collection. |
SPSiteSolutionDailyResourceUsageRecord |
Stores a record of daily resource usage for solutions in a site collection. |
SPSiteSolutionResourceUsageQuotaRecord |
Resource quota information for a given solution within a site collection. |
SPSiteSubscription |
Represents a collection of all SPSite objects that currently subscribe to service partitions, settings, and features. |
SPSiteSubscriptionCollection |
Represents the farm level collection of site subscriptions. |
SPSiteSubscriptionFeaturePack |
Represents a set (pack) of subscription feature definitions. |
SPSiteSubscriptionFeaturePackCollection |
Represents a collection of SPSiteSubscriptionFeaturePack objects. |
SPSiteSubscriptionIdentifier |
The unique identifier of a SPSiteSubscription object. |
SPSiteSubscriptionPropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of key/value pair properties that are associated with a SPSiteSubscription object. |
SPSiteSubscriptionSettings |
The runtime site subscription settings object. |
SPSiteSubscriptionSettingsManager |
Makes content changes in a subscription settings service application. Specifically, this object can be used to administer property sets and site subscription feature packs. |
SPSiteSubscriptionSettingsObject |
Represents a stored object of the subscription settings service. |
SPSiteSubscriptionSiteCollection |
Represents a read-only collection that is used to enumerate the site collections in a subscription. |
SPSolutionExporter |
Provides static methods for exporting a Web site as a SharePoint Foundation Web template and for exporting a custom workflow as a workflow template. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageAggregator |
Represents a base resource usage aggregator used to create usage data of a solution over time. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageAggregatorCount |
Represents a resource usage aggregator used to count the samples of resource usage records. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageAggregatorCountWeightedMean |
Represents a resource usage aggregator used to calculate a weighted mean based on the sample count for each usage record. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageAggregatorMean |
Represents a resource usage aggregator used to calculate evenly-weighted usage data of a solution over time. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageAggregatorSum |
Represents a resource usage aggregator used to sum up the resource usage of a solution over time. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageAggregatorTimeWeightedMean |
Represents a resource usage aggregator used to calculate a weighted mean based on the length of time for each usage record. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageLog |
Manages the solution resource usage log. |
SPSolutionResourceUsageRecord |
Represents a unit of usage for a resource associated with a solution in a site collection. |
SPStatefulLongOperation |
Runs an operation asynchronously while optionally providing progress updates to the client. |
SPTabularViewUpgradeInfo |
Represents a SPView defined for a SPList on a SharePoint site identifiable by feature, list template, and base view identifiers. |
SPTimeZone |
Represents the time zone setting that is implemented on a SharePoint Web site. |
SPTimeZoneCollection |
Represents a collection of SPTimeZone objects. |
SPTopologyWebServiceApplicationFault |
The public fault contract for the topology discovery service. |
SPTransformServer |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
SPTransformUtilities |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
SPULSTraceListener |
A custom trace listener that adds WCF tracing to the SharePoint ULS log. |
SPUser |
Represents a user in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
SPUserCollection |
Represents a collection of SPUser objects. |
SPUserCustomAction |
Contains metadata used to define a custom action entry point. |
SPUserCustomActionCollection |
Represents a collection of SPUserCustomAction objects. |
SPUserResource |
Represents a user-defined localizable resource. |
SPUserResourceCollection |
Represents a collection of user-defined localizable resources associated with a list or a Web site. |
SPUserSolution |
Represents a sandboxed solution in the site collection's Solutions Gallery. |
SPUserSolutionCollection |
Represents a collection of sandboxed solutions associated with a site. |
SPUserStorage |
Maintains information about the user of a Web Part Page and the amount of space the user is consuming in bytes. |
SPUserStorageCollection |
Represents a collection of SPUserStorage objects used to maintain storage information for all users of a Web Part Page. |
SPUserToken |
Represents the token that identifies the authentication process applied to a user. |
SPView |
Represents a view of the data that is contained in a list on a SharePoint site. |
SPViewCollection |
Represents a collection of SPView objects. |
SPViewContext |
Provides specific information about the context of a view. |
SPViewFieldCollection |
Represents the collection of fields returned in a view. |
SPViewStyle |
Represents a style for a view. |
SPViewStyleCollection |
Represents a collection of SPViewStyle objects. |
SPWeb |
Represents a SharePoint Foundation website. |
SPWebCollection |
Represents a collection of SPWeb objects. |
SPWebEventProperties |
Contains properties for Web site events. |
SPWebEventReceiver |
Provides methods for trapping events that occur to Web sites. This class is never instantiated. |
SPWebInfo |
An information container for the SPWeb class. Information elements include title, description, URL, Web template identifier, configuration identifier, last-modified time, UI version, status flags, master URL, and custom master URL. |
SPWebListInfo |
Represents a Web site or SPList. If this SPWebListInfo instance Type member is [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPObjectType.Web] (value = 0), then this ListId member is Empty. |
SPWebPartCollection |
Obsolete. Use the GetLimitedWebPartManager method of the SPFile class to return an SPLimitedWebPartManager object to manage Web Parts instead. |
SPWebProvisioningProperties |
Represents the properties of a Web site creation. |
SPWebProvisioningProvider |
Provides a handler for responding to Web site creation. |
SPWebTemplate |
Represents either a site definition configuration or a Web template that is used to create SharePoint sites. |
SPWebTemplateCollection |
Represents a collection of SPWebTemplate objects. |
SPWeeklySchedule |
Represents a weekly schedule for a job definition. |
SPWikiPageHomePageFeatureReceiver |
This feature creates a wiki page and sets it as a site home page. |
SPWikiWelcomeFeatureReceiver |
Sets the Welcome Page URL for SharePoint Foundation Web sites. |
SPWorkItem |
Provides properties that control the characteristics and behaviors of work item object instances. This class is used in conjunction with the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWorkItemCollection class. |
SPWorkItemCollection |
A collection of SPWorkItem object instances. Derives from Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBaseCollection. |
SPXmlDocumentCollection |
Represents a collection of XML documents. |
SPYearlySchedule |
Represents a yearly schedule for a job definition. |
SubscriptionSendToConnectionsCache |
Retrieves a GUID of an SPSiteSubscription. |