IPersonalPage Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Allows access to precached properties of My Site pages.

The IPersonalPage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property IsPersonal Gets a value that indicates whether the current user viewing the page is the owner of the page.
Public property IsProfileError Gets a value that indicates whether there was an error loading the profile.
Public property MyProfile Gets the UserProfile of the current user.
Public property PersonalSite Gets the personal site of the owner of the personal page.
Public property PersonalSiteLayoutsUrl Gets the full URL ending with the “_layouts/” virtual directory for the personal site of the owner of the personal page.
Public property PersonalSiteUrl Gets the full URL for the personal site of the owner of the personal page.
Public property PersonalWeb Gets the root SPWeb of the personal site of the owner of the personal page.
Public property Profile Gets the UserProfile of the owner of the personal page.
Public property ProfilePropertyLoader Gets ProfilePropertyLoader associated with the current page.


See Also


IPersonalPage Interface

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace