NewList Method

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Creates a SharePoint list of a specified type, such as Discussions, Contacts, or Survey.


This method is deprecated and may not be supported in future releases. Instead, use the following Web service method:AddList Web service method.

<Method ID="Text">
  <SetVar Name="Cmd">NewList</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="ListTemplate">List_Type</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="Title">Text</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="Description">Text</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="displayOnLeft">[TRUE|FALSE]</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="VersioningEnabled">[TRUE|FALSE]</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="GlobalMtgDataList">[TRUE|FALSE]</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="AllowMultiVote">[on|off]</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="showUsernames">[on|off]</SetVar>




ID = "Text"

Application-specific string. In an HTML editor compatible with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, the string provides the sequence number and name of the method.

Name = "Cmd"

Must be set to NewList.

Name = "ListTemplate"

Identifies the list type, using the following values.

  • 100   Generic list

  • 101   Document library

  • 102   Survey

  • 103   Links list

  • 104   Announcements list

  • 105   Contacts list

  • 106   Events list

  • 107   Tasks list

  • 108   Discussion board

  • 109   Picture library

  • 110   Data sources

  • 111   Site template gallery

  • 112   User Information list

  • 113   Web Part gallery

  • 114   List template gallery

  • 115   XML Form library

  • 116   Master pages gallery

  • 117   No-Code Workflows

  • 118   Custom Workflow Process

  • 119   Wiki Page library

  • 120   Custom grid for a list

  • 130   Data Connection library

  • 140   Workflow History

  • 150   Gantt Tasks list

  • 200   Meeting Series list

  • 201   Meeting Agenda list

  • 202   Meeting Attendees list

  • 204   Meeting Decisions list

  • 207   Meeting Objectives list

  • 210   Meeting text box

  • 211   Meeting Things To Bring list

  • 212   Meeting Workspace Pages list

  • 301   Blog Posts list

  • 302   Blog Comments list

  • 303   Blog Categories list

  • 1100   Issue tracking

  • 1200   Administrator tasks list

Name = "Title"

Specifies a title for the list.

Name = "Description"

Specifies a description for the list.

Name = "displayOnLeft "

Optional. TRUE to display the list on the Quick Launch bar.

Name = "VersioningEnabled"

Optional. TRUE to enable versioning for a document library.

Name = "GlobalMtgDataList"

Optional. For a list in a Meeting Workspace site, TRUE to specify that the list is a series list or FALSE to specify a normal list.

Name = "AllowMultiVote"

Optional on or off. on allows users to vote more than once in a survey.

Name = "showUsernames"

Optional on or off. on specifies that the user name is displayed in the results of a survey.


<Method ID="0,NewList">
  <SetVar Name="Cmd">NewList</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="ListTemplate">100</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="Title">New List 999</SetVar>