MtgMove Method

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Deletes an orphaned meeting occurrence, or moves the workspace content associated with an orphaned meeting occurrence to another meeting occurrence.

<Method ID="Text">
  <SetList Scope="Request">GUID</SetList>
  <SetVar Name="Cmd">MtgMove</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="FromInstanceID">Integer</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="ToInstanceID">[Integer|-3]</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="NextUsing">URL</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="Overwrite">1</SetVar>




ID = "Text"

Application-specific string. In an HTML editor compatible with Windows SharePoint Services, such as Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, the string provides the sequence number and name of the method.

Scope = "Request"

When set to Request, the Scope attribute sets the variable for the scope of the enclosing Method element, unless the variable is changed by another tag.

Name = "Cmd"

Must be set to MtgMove.

Name = "FromInstanceID"

An integer that specifies the source instance ID of a single-occurrence meeting that is orphaned, or of an individual occurrence within a recurring meeting that is orphaned. Each occurrence within a Meeting Series list has a unique instance ID by which items in the list are identified.

Name = "ToInstanceID"

An integer that specifies the destination instance ID of either a single-occurrence meeting that is not orphaned or an individual occurrence within a recurring meeting that is not orphaned. If set to -3, deletes the source occurrence.

Name = "NextUsing"

Optional. The URL to which the user is redirected after the operation completes.

Name = "Overwrite"

Optional. If specified and set to 1, deletes the associated workspace content of the destination occurrence. If the destination occurrence is specified but this parameter is not specified, returns an invalid URL parameter error message. This parameter is not required if ToInstanceID is set to -3.


<Method ID="0,MtgMove">
  <SetList Scope="Request">93C88C70-0409-4367-A83B-
  <SetVar Name="Cmd">MtgMove</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="FromInstanceID">99</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="ToInstanceID">153</SetVar>
  <SetVar Name="Overwrite">1</SetVar>


This method replaces the content that is associated with the destination meeting occurrence with the content that is associated with the orphaned occurrence. However, the content of the Attendees list in the orphaned occurrence is not preserved or moved to the destination occurrence. The destination meeting occurrence cannot be orphaned.

The list GUID that is specified in the post pertains to the Meeting Series list containing the occurrence.