IExternalSecurityWeb Interface
The IExternalSecurityWeb interface provides methods that return custom information about the security used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services for use in indexing by a search crawler on a portal.
Public Methods
The following table shows the public methods of the IExternalSecurityWeb interface and a brief description of each.
Name | Description |
GetAnonymousState | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether anonymous access is enabled for a site. |
GetLastModified | Returns the security modification date for a site or list for the purpose of recrawling the site or list with the search crawler. |
GetPermission | Returns the access control list (ACL) for a site or list in XML format. |
GetProperties | Returns security properties used in indexing by a search crawler. |
Init | Initializes the external security provider. |
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
This interface provides access control list (ACL) information to a search crawler so that it can determine which security to use when it searches a SharePoint site.
To use this interface, you must create an external security provider that uses a COM interface similar to the one described in the following interface definition language (IDL) excerpt.
import "File_Name.idl";
LONG m_lGroupId;
LONG m_lMemberId;
BYTE* m_rgbMemberSID;
BOOL m_bMemberIsDomainGroup;
interface ISPSecurityExtensibility : IUnknown
HRESULT AccessCheck
[in] const GUID* pGuidSiteId,
[in] const GUID* pGuidWebId,
[in] BOOL bAnonymousRequest,
[in] BOOL bSiteAdmin,
[in] BOOL bGlobalAdmin,
[out] DWORD* pdwEffectiveRights
HRESULT RefreshWebGroupMembership
[in] LONGLONG llDataVersion,
[in] const GUID* pGuidSiteId,
[in] const GUID* pGuidWebId,
[in] const struct STS_WEBGROUP_MEMBERSHIP_RECORD* rgwmrUpdates,
[in] LONG cNumRecords
To implement your own security manager in Windows SharePoint Services, you must provide the GUID for the COM DLL and define a managed class string in the site definition.
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Security: Code Access Security