CreateConfigDatabase(String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String) Method

The CreateConfigDatabase method of the SPGlobalAdmin class creates a configuration database based on the specified database server, database name, user name, password, and account information for Microsoft Active Directory directory service, as well as on a Boolean value that specifies whether to use the host header as the name for a site.


strDatabaseServer   A string that specifies the database server.

strDatabaseName   A string that contains the name of the new database.

strUserName   A string that contains the user name to use for the administrator account. This parameter is required only if SQL authentication is used.

strPassword   A string that specifies a password for the administrator account. This parameter is required only if SQL authentication is used.

bHostHeaderAsSiteName  true to use the host name as the site name; otherwise, false.

bIsADMode  true to automatically create accounts in Active Directory when a site is created; otherwise, false.

strADDomain   A string that specifies an Active Directory domain.

strADOU   A string that specifies an Active Directory Organizational Unit.


To use this method, accounts must be created with permissions to a specified Active Directory domain and Organizational Unit.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security