ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow members
Represents a local project resource or enterprise resource that can be used on this project.
The ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CREATED_DATE | Specifies the date when this ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow object was created. | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ItemArray | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
MOD_DATE | Specifies the date when this ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow object was last modified. | |
PROJ_NAME | Specifies the name of the project. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS | Specifies the number of digits that appear after the decimal in currency values. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION | Specifies the placement of the currency symbol in relation to the currency value. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | Specifies the symbol that is used to represent the type of currency that is used in the project. | |
PROJ_UID | Specifies the project unique ID. | |
RB_BASE_COST | Specifies the original cost for this resource. | |
RB_BASE_WORK | Specifies the original work value for this resource. | |
RES_ACCRUE_AT | Specifies how and when to charge resource costs to the cost of a task. | |
RES_ACT_COST | Specifies the cost of actual work plus any per-use costs for the resource. | |
RES_ACT_OVT_COST | Specifies the actual overtime cost of a resource on this project. | |
RES_ACT_OVT_WORK | Specifies the actual overtime work that is reported by this resource on this project. | |
RES_ACT_WORK | Specifies the actual regular work that is reported by this resource on this project. | |
RES_ACWP | Specifies actual costs incurred for work that a resource has performed on this project, up to the project status date or today's date. | |
RES_AD_GUID | Specifies the resource unique ID in the Active Directory domain controller. | |
RES_ASSN_FINISH | Specifies the date when the resource finishes its last assignment on this project. | |
RES_ASSN_START | Specifies the date when a resource starts its first assignment on this project. | |
RES_AVAIL_FROM | Specifies the date when a resource becomes available. | |
RES_AVAIL_TO | Specifies the date when a resource is no longer available. | |
RES_BCWP | Specifies the resource's budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP). | |
RES_BCWS | Specifies the resource's budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). | |
RES_BOOKING_TYPE | Specifies the default booking type for the resource on this project. | |
RES_BUDGET_COST | Specifies the total budgeted cost for this resource on this project. | |
RES_BUDGET_WORK | Specifies the total budgeted work for this resource on this project. | |
RES_CAN_LEVEL | Specifies whether resource leveling can be performed on a resource. | |
RES_CODE | Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number that you want to enter as part of a resource's information. | |
RES_COST | Specifies the total current cost or resource cost of this resource on this project. | |
RES_COST_CENTER | Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number that you want to enter as part of a resource's information. | |
RES_COST_PER_USE | Specifies the cost per use of a resource. | |
RES_COST_VAR | Specifies the resource cost variance, which is whether the cost of a resource is under, over, or exactly within its budget. | |
RES_CV | Specifies the difference between the resource's BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) and ACWP (actual cost of work performed). | |
RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER | Specifies the GUID of the default assignment owner for this resource. | |
RES_GROUP | Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number that you want to enter as part of a resource's information. | |
RES_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS | Indicates whether the resource has OLE objects that are linked fields. | |
RES_HAS_NOTES | Indicates whether there are notes in the RES_NOTES property. | |
RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS | Specifies the hyperlink that is associated with this resource. | |
RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME | Specifies the text that is displayed for the hyperlink that is associated with this resource. | |
RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS | Indicates the anchor portion of the URI of the hyperlink that is associated with this resource. | |
RES_ID | Specifies an ordinal, impermanent locator for this resource. | |
RES_INITIALS | Specifies a short name for the resource. | |
RES_IS_ENTERPRISE_RESOURCE | Indicates whether the resource is an enterprise resource, not a local project resource. | |
RES_IS_OVERALLOCATED | Indicates whether the resource is assigned to do more work on all assigned tasks than can be done within the normal working capacity. | |
RES_MATERIAL_LABEL | Specifies the unit of measure that you enter for supplies or other consumable items that are used to complete tasks in a project. | |
RES_MAX_UNITS | Specifies the maximum percentage or number of units representing the maximum capacity for which a resource is available to accomplish any tasks during the current time period. | |
RES_NAME | Specifies the full name of the resource. | |
RES_NOTES | Specifies comments entered about a resource. | |
RES_OVT_COST | Specifies the total overtime cost for a resource on all assigned tasks. | |
RES_OVT_RATE | Specifies the hourly rate of pay for overtime. | |
RES_OVT_RATE_FMT | Specifies the rate description format in which the overtime rate is displayed. | |
RES_OVT_WORK | Specifies the sum of all overtime work that the resource is scheduled to do, on all assigned tasks. | |
RES_PCT_WORK_COMPLETE | Specifies the current status of all tasks that are assigned to a resource expressed as the total percentage of the resource's work that is complete. | |
RES_PEAK | Specifies the maximum effort that a resource is scheduled to work on all assigned tasks. | |
RES_PHONETICS | Specifies phonetic information in either hiragana or katakana for resource names. | |
RES_REG_WORK | Specifies the total amount of non-overtime work that is scheduled to be performed by resources. | |
RES_REM_COST | Specifies the sum of all remaining work values for all of the resource's assignments. | |
RES_REM_OVT_COST | Specifies the remaining scheduled overtime expense for the resource on this project. | |
RES_REM_OVT_WORK | Specifies the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work for the resource on this project. | |
RES_REM_WORK | Specifies the sum of all remaining work values for all of the resource's assignments. | |
RES_STD_RATE | Specifies the rate of pay per hour for regular, non-overtime work performed by a resource. | |
RES_STD_RATE_FMT | Specifies the rate description format in which the rate is displayed. | |
RES_SV | Specifies the difference in cost terms between the current progress and the baseline plan of all assigned tasks of a resource up to the status date or today's date. | |
RES_TYPE | Specifies the resource type. | |
RES_UID | Specifies the unique identifier for the resource. | |
RES_VAC | Specifies the difference between the BAC (budgeted at completion) or baseline cost and the EAC (estimated at completion) cost for this resource for all assignments. | |
RES_WORK | Specifies the sum of all work that the resource is scheduled to do on all assigned tasks. | |
RES_WORK_VAR | Specifies the difference between the baseline work of this resource and the currently scheduled work. | |
ResourceIsBudget | Indicates whether this is a resource that is used for budgeting purposes or is a regular resource. | |
ResourceIsGeneric | Indicates whether this resource is a generic placeholder resource. | |
RowError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
RowState | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Table | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
WRES_ACCOUNT | Specifies Windows account information for a work resource. | |
WRES_EMAIL | Specifies the email address of a work resource. |
Name | Description | |
AcceptChanges | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
BeginEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
CancelEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ClearErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Delete | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
EndEdit | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetChildRows(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(Int32) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnError(DataColumn) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetColumnsInError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetParentRow(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
HasVersion | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsCREATED_DATENull | Determines whether the CREATED_DATE property is set to a null value. | |
IsMOD_DATENull | Determines whether the MOD_DATE property is set to a null value. | |
IsNull(Int32) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(DataColumn) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
IsPROJ_NAMENull | Determines whether the PROJ_NAME property is set to a null value. | |
IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSNull | Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS property is set to a null value. | |
IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONNull | Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION property is set to a null value. | |
IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLNull | Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL property is set to a null value. | |
IsRB_BASE_COSTNull | Determines whether the RB_BASE_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRB_BASE_WORKNull | Determines whether the RB_BASE_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ACCRUE_ATNull | Determines whether the RES_ACCRUE_AT property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ACT_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_ACT_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ACT_OVT_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_ACT_OVT_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ACT_OVT_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_ACT_OVT_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ACT_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_ACT_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ACWPNull | Determines whether the RES_ACWP property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_AD_GUIDNull | Determines whether the RES_AD_GUID property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ASSN_FINISHNull | Determines whether the RES_ASSN_FINISH property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_ASSN_STARTNull | Determines whether the RES_ASSN_START property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_AVAIL_FROMNull | Determines whether the RES_AVAIL_FROM property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_AVAIL_TONull | Determines whether the RES_AVAIL_TO property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_BCWPNull | Determines whether the RES_BCWP property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_BCWSNull | Determines whether the RES_BCWS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_BOOKING_TYPENull | Determines whether the RES_BOOKING_TYPE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_BUDGET_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_BUDGET_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_BUDGET_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_BUDGET_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_CAN_LEVELNull | Determines whether the RES_CAN_LEVEL property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_CODENull | Determines whether the RES_CODE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_COST_CENTERNull | Determines whether the RES_COST_CENTER property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_COST_PER_USENull | Determines whether the RES_COST_PER_USE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_COST_VARNull | Determines whether the RES_COST_VAR property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_CVNull | Determines whether the RES_CV property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_DEF_ASSN_OWNERNull | Determines whether the RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_GROUPNull | Determines whether the RES_GROUP property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSNull | Determines whether the RES_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_HAS_NOTESNull | Determines whether the RES_HAS_NOTES property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull | Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull | Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull | Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_IDNull | Determines whether the RES_ID property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_INITIALSNull | Determines whether the RES_INITIALS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_IS_ENTERPRISE_RESOURCENull | Determines whether the RES_IS_ENTERPRISE_RESOURCE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_IS_OVERALLOCATEDNull | Determines whether the RES_IS_OVERALLOCATED property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_MATERIAL_LABELNull | Determines whether the RES_MATERIAL_LABEL property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_MAX_UNITSNull | Determines whether the RES_MAX_UNITS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_NAMENull | Determines whether the RES_NAME property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_NOTESNull | Determines whether the RES_NOTES property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_OVT_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_OVT_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_OVT_RATE_FMTNull | Determines whether the RES_OVT_RATE_FMT property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_OVT_RATENull | Determines whether the RES_OVT_RATE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_OVT_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_OVT_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_PCT_WORK_COMPLETENull | Determines whether the RES_PCT_WORK_COMPLETE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_PEAKNull | Determines whether the RES_PEAK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_PHONETICSNull | Determines whether the RES_PHONETICS property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_REG_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_REG_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_REM_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_REM_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_REM_OVT_COSTNull | Determines whether the RES_REM_OVT_COST property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_REM_OVT_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_REM_OVT_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_REM_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_REM_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_STD_RATE_FMTNull | Determines whether the RES_STD_RATE_FMT property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_STD_RATENull | Determines whether the RES_STD_RATE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_SVNull | Determines whether the RES_SV property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_TYPENull | Determines whether the RES_TYPE property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_VACNull | Determines whether the RES_VAC property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_WORK_VARNull | Determines whether the RES_WORK_VAR property is set to a null value. | |
IsRES_WORKNull | Determines whether the RES_WORK property is set to a null value. | |
IsResourceIsBudgetNull | Determines whether the ResourceIsBudget property is set to a null value. | |
IsResourceIsGenericNull | Determines whether the ResourceIsGeneric property is set to a null value. | |
IsWRES_ACCOUNTNull | Determines whether the WRES_ACCOUNT property is set to a null value. | |
IsWRES_EMAILNull | Determines whether the WRES_EMAIL property is set to a null value. | |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
RejectChanges | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetAdded | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(Int32, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(String, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetColumnError(DataColumn, String) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetCREATED_DATENull | Sets the CREATED_DATE property to a null value. | |
SetMOD_DATENull | Sets the MOD_DATE property to a null value. | |
SetModified | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetNull | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetParentRow(DataRow) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation) | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SetPROJ_NAMENull | Sets the PROJ_NAME property to a null value. | |
SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSNull | Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS property to a null value. | |
SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONNull | Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION property to a null value. | |
SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLNull | Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL property to a null value. | |
SetRB_BASE_COSTNull | Sets the RB_BASE_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRB_BASE_WORKNull | Sets the RB_BASE_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ACCRUE_ATNull | Sets the RES_ACCRUE_AT property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ACT_COSTNull | Sets the RES_ACT_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ACT_OVT_COSTNull | Sets the RES_ACT_OVT_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ACT_OVT_WORKNull | Sets the RES_ACT_OVT_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ACT_WORKNull | Sets the RES_ACT_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ACWPNull | Sets the RES_ACWP property to a null value. | |
SetRES_AD_GUIDNull | Sets the RES_AD_GUID property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ASSN_FINISHNull | Sets the RES_ASSN_FINISH property to a null value. | |
SetRES_ASSN_STARTNull | Sets the RES_ASSN_START property to a null value. | |
SetRES_AVAIL_FROMNull | Sets the RES_AVAIL_FROM property to a null value. | |
SetRES_AVAIL_TONull | Sets the RES_AVAIL_TO property to a null value. | |
SetRES_BCWPNull | Sets the RES_BCWP property to a null value. | |
SetRES_BCWSNull | Sets the RES_BCWS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_BOOKING_TYPENull | Sets the RES_BOOKING_TYPE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_BUDGET_COSTNull | Sets the RES_BUDGET_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_BUDGET_WORKNull | Sets the RES_BUDGET_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_CAN_LEVELNull | Sets the RES_CAN_LEVEL property to a null value. | |
SetRES_CODENull | Sets the RES_CODE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_COST_CENTERNull | Sets the RES_COST_CENTER property to a null value. | |
SetRES_COST_PER_USENull | Sets the RES_COST_PER_USE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_COST_VARNull | Sets the RES_COST_VAR property to a null value. | |
SetRES_COSTNull | Sets the RES_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_CVNull | Sets the RES_CV property to a null value. | |
SetRES_DEF_ASSN_OWNERNull | Sets the RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER property to a null value. | |
SetRES_GROUPNull | Sets the RES_GROUP property to a null value. | |
SetRES_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSNull | Sets the RES_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_HAS_NOTESNull | Sets the RES_HAS_NOTES property to a null value. | |
SetRES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull | Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull | Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property to a null value. | |
SetRES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull | Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_IDNull | Sets the RES_ID property to a null value. | |
SetRES_INITIALSNull | Sets the RES_INITIALS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_IS_ENTERPRISE_RESOURCENull | Sets the RES_IS_ENTERPRISE_RESOURCE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_IS_OVERALLOCATEDNull | Sets the RES_IS_OVERALLOCATED property to a null value. | |
SetRES_MATERIAL_LABELNull | Sets the RES_MATERIAL_LABEL property to a null value. | |
SetRES_MAX_UNITSNull | Sets the RES_MAX_UNITS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_NAMENull | Sets the RES_NAME property to a null value. | |
SetRES_NOTESNull | Sets the RES_NOTES property to a null value. | |
SetRES_OVT_COSTNull | Sets the RES_OVT_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_OVT_RATE_FMTNull | Sets the RES_OVT_RATE_FMT property to a null value. | |
SetRES_OVT_RATENull | Sets the RES_OVT_RATE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_OVT_WORKNull | Sets the RES_OVT_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_PCT_WORK_COMPLETENull | Sets the RES_PCT_WORK_COMPLETE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_PEAKNull | Sets the RES_PEAK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_PHONETICSNull | Sets the RES_PHONETICS property to a null value. | |
SetRES_REG_WORKNull | Sets the RES_REG_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_REM_COSTNull | Sets the RES_REM_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_REM_OVT_COSTNull | Sets the RES_REM_OVT_COST property to a null value. | |
SetRES_REM_OVT_WORKNull | Sets the RES_REM_OVT_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_REM_WORKNull | Sets the RES_REM_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetRES_STD_RATE_FMTNull | Sets the RES_STD_RATE_FMT property to a null value. | |
SetRES_STD_RATENull | Sets the RES_STD_RATE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_SVNull | Sets the RES_SV property to a null value. | |
SetRES_TYPENull | Sets the RES_TYPE property to a null value. | |
SetRES_VACNull | Sets the RES_VAC property to a null value. | |
SetRES_WORK_VARNull | Sets the RES_WORK_VAR property to a null value. | |
SetRES_WORKNull | Sets the RES_WORK property to a null value. | |
SetResourceIsBudgetNull | Sets the ResourceIsBudget property to a null value. | |
SetResourceIsGenericNull | Sets the ResourceIsGeneric property to a null value. | |
SetWRES_ACCOUNTNull | Sets the WRES_ACCOUNT property to a null value. | |
SetWRES_EMAILNull | Sets the WRES_EMAIL property to a null value. | |
ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |